What's on


Smiles and Complaints Week 20.3.-24.3.2017

During the Smiles and Complaints Week you can send your feedback via the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland to ISYY, the University, FSHS (Finnish Student Health Service),...


ISYY Association Days 4.-5.4.2017

Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) organizes Association Days on 4.-5.4. at all UEF campuses. Come and find out what ISYY and associations close to it have...


SYKETTÄ: Sports Afternoon feedback questionnaire

Do you want to help us to aim for a better sports afternoon? Now you can give us some feedback! Sports afternoon was organized at all campuses on 14th February....


ISYY’s Anniversary jubilee on 18.3. – Sign up now!

The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) celebrates its 7th birthday in the form of the Anniversary Dinner Party in Olavinlinna castle in Savonlinna on Saturday 18th...


Mari-Anne Lindroth starts as a substitute for ISYY’s Secretary for Communications on 13.2.

Mari-Anne Lindroth will start as the substitute for ISYY’s Secretary for Communications on 13.2.2017. The temporary post will last until 30.6.2017. Mari-Anne has worked at the Student Union also previously:...


ISYY Representative Council’s meeting on 8.2.2017

The next meeting (2/2017) of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland Representative Council for the year 2017 will be held on 8.2.2017 starting at 5 pm in...


Campaigning days and panel discussion for municipal election candidates in Joensuu

Young municipal election candidates have an opportunity to campaign at the Joensuu campus (Carelia hall) of UEF on the following days and times: Wednesday 15.3. at 10–14 Wednesday 22.3. at 10–14 Tuesday 28.3....


Follow the Representative Council’s meeting on ISYY’s Facebook

ISYY will aim at streaming the Representative Council’s meeting on 1.2.2017 via Facebook Live. If you want to follow the meeting live, watch ISYY’s Facebook page from 5 pm onwards. More...


ISYY’s Representative Council meetings are no longer streamed via UEF’s live streaming service

The Representative Council meetings of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) have previously been live streamed via the live streaming service offered by UEF. However, the...


Give your proposal for the Student of the Year

It’s time to give recognition to an excellent student! Proposals on the Student of the Year should be made by Tuesday, 14 March 2017. The Student Union of the University...