What's on


Do you have a band? Does your band need a place for band rehearsals? If you said yes, then do read further!

It is almost time to apply for shifts at Studentia (Kuopio) band rehearsal space for Spring 2018. You can apply for a shift if you or some other members of...


What to do if your Frank Application claims that your student status is not valid?

The solution may be very near: there might be some updates waiting to be installed that are causing problems. If updating the app does not help, you can always contact...


Joensuu: ISYY will serve glögi at the Carelia lobby on 29.11.2017 at 12–15

ISYY’s Joensuu Campus Board will serve a traditional Finnish hot drink, glögi, for students on Wednesday 29.11.2017 at 12–15 at the Carelia lobby. The University, City of Joensuu, FSHS, Fazer...


Independence Day Torch Parade in Joensuu on 6.12.2017

The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) has the honor to invite all students to the Independence Day Torch Parade on 6.12.2017 in Joensuu. The Torch Parade...


The General Assembly of the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) 2017: The vision for higher education to be implemented in an encouraging way, taking the long-term view

The National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) General Assembly Statement 18.11.2017 The General Assembly of the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) considers the goals of the...


SYL General Assembly chose SYL’s Chairperson and Board for 2018

The General Assembly of the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL), representing all of Finland’s close to 132,000 university students, has elected SYL’s 2018 Board. The meeting also...


Bread hand-out during the end of the year 2017

Free bread will not be handed out at ISYY campus offices during the offices’ Christmas break on 18.12.2017–7.1.2018. Bread hand-out continues in 2018 on week 2. In addition, there are...


LEKA Volley tickets sold at Lukema on student price

LEKA Volley, a volleyball team from Kuopio, plays it’s home games at Studentia sports hall. Now you can buy tickets to their games at the ISYY office from Lukema. Student...


Independence Day Soirée at Lukema and a parade

The Independence Day festivities on 6.12.2017 in Kuopio will differ from previous years: To celebrate the 100th anniversary of Finland, ISYY will take part in the students’ Finland 100 act...


ISYY’s discussion forum will be shut down on 15.12.2017

Due to lack of use, ISYY’s forum will be shut down on 15.12.2017. Forum has been quite inactive during the last few years. Additionally, ISYY’s communication has moved into other...