What's on


Speak your mind – ISYY’s Smiles and Complaints Week on 12.–16.3.2018

What deserves a smile? What’s wrong? What gives you grey hair? Tell us, and we’ll take your feedback forward! During the Smiles and Complaints Week (12.–16.3.2018) you can send feedback...


Hanna Saarelainen starts as a substitute for ISYY’s Communications Planner on 12.3.2018

Hanna Saarelainen will start as the substitute for ISYY’s Communications Planner (former Secretary for Communications) on 12.3.2018. The temporary post will last until 31.5.2018. You can reach Hanna via the...


ISYY feedback desk in Savonlinna in February

The ISYY feedback desk in Savonlinna will be held in February on 28.2.2018 at 10–14 on the OKL 2nd floor couches. Come to chat with us about the Student Union...


Student priced tickets for the KalPa-JYP ice hockey game on 3.3. sold at ISYY Kuopio office

The ice hockey teams KalPa and JYP face each other on Sat 3.3. starting at 3 pm at Niiralan Monttu in Kuopio. Now you have a chance to come and...


Kuopio’s Weekly Feed will not be published this week – next week’s issue will cover for weeks 9 and 10

The English language newsletter for ISYY’s Kuopio campus, Kuopio’s Weekly Feed, will not be published on week 8. ISYY’s all newsletters (Wiikko-Ärsyke in Joensuu, Kuopio and Savonlinna and Weekly Feed...


ISYY’s feedback desks in February

You can get to know ISYY and its active members better at ISYY feedback desks (info points) during this spring! In February, the feedback desks take place as follows: Joensuu:...


Have you experienced harassment at the university? – ISYY’s contact persons for harassment can help you

Everyone has a right to have a good and safe study environment! The Anti-Harassment Contact Persons give advice and helps confidentially in cases of harassment. You can contact them in...


What ISYY: Executive Board

Next in line in the #whatISYY series is the Executive Board of the Student Union. The ISYY Representative Council selects every year an Executive Board that prepares and carries out...


What ISYY: Representative Council

In February, you will learn more about the people operating in the Student Union as a part of #whatISYY -series. First in order is the highest decision-making body in the...


There will be no bread distribution at Kuopio campus on 9.2.

ISYY Kuopio campus office will be closed exceptionally on Thrus–Fri 8.–9.2.2018. The office is also closed on Wed 7.2. as always on Wednesdays. On Friday 9.2., there will be no...