What's on


Changes in the phone numbers of ISYY’s staff

There are some changes in the phone numbers of ISYY’s staff both in Joensuu and Kuopio campus starting from 7.1.2019. The new phone numbers and staff members they apply to...


ISYY 9th Anniversary Jubilee on 16th of March 2019

The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) celebrates its 9th birthday this year! ISYY invites all students, staff members, alumnae, and members of campus and student organizations...


Sports Afternoon is coming on 12.2.

Biannual Sports Afternoon for students and staff members of University of Eastern Finlands, Karelia University of Applied Sciences and Savonia University of Applied Sciences will be held on 12.2. in...


Registering at the university for the spring term

The period for registering for the spring term ends on 15th January 2019. The Student Union membership fee for the spring term can be paid in WebOodi. You can also...


ISYY’s Executive Board 2019 appointed working sectors

The new Executive Board of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) has appointed working sectors among the Board members in its meeting on 19th of December...


ISYY offices and staff’s Christmas break and contact information during it

The Student Union offices and most of the staff are on Christmas break until 7.1.2019. During the Christmas break, in urgent matters you can contact the following persons: Secretary General...


FSHS opening times during Christmas 2018

All FSHS units are closed from 22 December 2018 to 1 January 2019. There are unit specific differences in the opening hours. Check the exact opening hours from your own unit’s page. Read more:...


ISYY awarded with an Honourable Mention in recognition of its way of taking international students into consideration in communication

UEF’s Communications and Media Relations Office has awarded the Student Union a Communicator of the Year Honourable Mention in recognition of the SU’s way of taking the international student body...


Kuopio’s Weekly Feed is on break until further notice

Because of a change in the Student Union staff, the Kuopio campus’ Weekly Feed will be on break until further notice. More information: Anna-Kristiina Mikkonen, Secretary General, the Student Union...


YTHS Kuopio unit’s appointment booking services opening hours starting on 2.1.2019

The new opening hours of the YTHS Kuopio unit’s appointment booking service starting on 2.1.2019 are from 8 to 10 am. Otherwise you can reach us by phone via the...