What's on


Answer the Student Union’s questionnaire on equality

Have you noticed bullying or discrimination amongst students? What is the atmosphere like in our university? Do you consider yourself to be an equal member of the Student Union (ISYY)?...


Sports Afternoon feedback questionnaire

Sports afternoon were organized at all campuses on 18.2. Now you can give us some feedback! With your help we can develop our sports events even better so don’t hesitate...


Winterfest tickets have been sold out

There is a small number of tickets sold at Puikkari door on 18.2. starting from 22.30. More information: Winterfest   Published on 6.2.2014    


Winterfest tickets available at ISYY’s Kuopio office

Winterfest 2014 will be held on 18.2. at Savilahti in Kuopio. Passports for the team competition will be sold at ISYY’s Kuopio campus office starting from 3.2. The teams must...


Changes in office opening hours

The Savonlinna campus office will be closed during week 12 and on 24.3.2014. Remember ISYY’s Culture Week The Student Union’s first Culture Week will be organised at all campus on...


18.2.2014 Savonlinna Sports Afternoon

The Sports Afternoon is a biannual event organised by the Student Union. The purpose of the Sports Afternoon is to give our students an opportunity to try new sports for...


18.2.2014 Joensuu Sports Afternoon

The Sports Afternoon is a biannual event organised by the Student Union. The purpose of the Sports Afternoon is to give our students an opportunity to try new sports for...


18.2.2014 Kuopio Sports Afternoon

The Sports Afternoon is a biannual event organised by the Student Union. The purpose of the Sports Afternoon is to give our students an opportunity to try new sports for...


Affordable student tickets to KalPa ice hockey matches

The next three KalPa ice hockey matches are Supersaver games which means that student tickets to them cost only 5 €. Supersaver games: 23.1. at 18.30 KALPA–Ässät 28.1. at 18.30...


The Finnish Student Championships calendar for 2014 published!

The Finnish Student Championships (FSC) consists of national championship tournaments for Finnish higher education students. The tournaments gather thousands of students from Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences. The...