What's on


Joensuu and Kuopio offices open on 3. and 10.9.

ISYY’s Kuopio and Joensuu campus offices will be open also on Wednesdays on 3.9. and 10.9. from 10 am to 3 pm. Office opening hours


Bus transportation from Savonlinna and Kuopio to Lehtiä Ilosaaressa festival in Joensuu on 12.9.

The autumn festival Lehtiä Ilosaaressa will be held on 12.9.2014 in Joensuu. Performers include e.g. Jukka Poika, Viikate and Samuli Putro. ISYY organizes bus transportation from Savonlinna to Joensuu and...


UEF tends to develop its learning surroundings significantly by the year 2020

University of Eastern Finland tends to develop its learning surroundings significantly by the year 2020. “One of the most essential strategical objectives is that the University of Eastern Finland has...


Sports services at Savonlinna campus – fall semester 2014

The Sports calendar for fall semester 2014 is published. The calendar includes all sports services available for ISYY members and UEF staff. Sports Calendar at Savonlinna campus Sports services start...


Sports services at Joensuu campus – fall semester 2014

The Sports calendar for fall semester 2014 is published. The calendar includes all sports services available for ISYY members and UEF staff. If you want more information about a sports course or...


The free of charge Office package for UEF students now downloadable

Students of the University of Eastern Finland are given free of charge the Microsoft Office package, which is offered through the Office 365 service. Office package can be installed in...


Monday Mails have returned from summer holiday

ISYY’s English language newsletters at Joensuu and Kuopio campus, Monday Mails, have returned from summer holiday and inform you about current events and other important things at campuses. If you...


ISYY is looking for a Board member (affairs of social policy) for the end of the year 2014

ISYY’s Executive Board member in charge of social policy affairs moves to another city and therefore there is an opening in the ISYY Board starting from October. Now you will...


Office package for students for free

Students will soon be able to install Office package on their own computers via UEF’s IT Services. The package can be installed for 5 PC/Mac and 5 tablets. Installation instructions...


Lehtiä Ilosaaressa festival tickets available at the Joensuu office

Lehtiä Ilosaaressa festival tickets can now be purchased at ISYY’s Joensuu campus office. Tickets are pre-sold for students at the price of 12 €. Tickets can be purchased during office...