What's on


Joensuu: Sports turn application for student and staff groups, 2015 spring semester

The new sports concept for University of Eastern Finland (Joensuu campus) and Karelia University of Applied Sciences will start at the beginning of year 2015. Sykettä sports services are available...


Download Microsoft Office to your home computer free of charge

Problems with writing thesis or and essay? Your computer doesn’t run the old heavy programs? Does your slideshow need some more shine? As a student in University of Eastern Finland...


ISYY Representative Council’s meeting on 8.11.2014

The next meeting (6/2014) of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland Representative Council will be held in Joensuu campus on Sat 8.11.2014 starting from 1 pm. The...


Organization grant application for the year 2015

The Student Union of University of Eastern Finland’s Executive Board announce that grants for the year 2015 can be applied. (Decision is made in Executive Board’s meeting on 28.10.2014. )...


ISYY’s campaign against discrimination on 3.–7.11.2014

In coordination with the Smiles and Complaints Week, the Student Union (ISYY) organises a poster campaign against discrimination.  You can participate in the campaign by writing down your observations and...


Call for applicants: Executive Board 2015 of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland

Are you interested in gaining memorable experiences? Would you like to gain significant personal growth only within one year? Are you interested in building a better university? What about influencing...


Autumn 2014 Smiles and Complaints Week at campuses on week 45

The Student Union’s (ISYY) Smiles and Complaints Week will be organised on week 45 (3.11.–7.11.2014). You can give feedback, e.g., to the university, FSHS, Amica or the Student Union at...


ISYY Representative Council night school on 22.10.2014

The Student Union (ISYY) Representative Council night school will be held on 22.10.2014 at 17.00. There will be a video connection to all campuses: Joensuu E204, Kuopio MD200, Savonlinna A130....


FSC Karelian Triathlon cancelled

FSC Karelian Triathlon (25.10.) is cancelled due to lack of participants. Only 10 persons were registered to the competition. If you have already registered, you’ll get the money back. We apologise....


ISYY campus offices opening hours

You will find information on the ISYY campus offices opening hours and their contact information under section Contac us. Office opening hours and contact information