What's on


Sports Afternoon feedback questionnaire

Do you wan to help us to aim for a better sports afternoon? Now you can give us some feedback! Sports afternoon was organized at all campuses on 17th February....


Call for applicants: Executive Board 2015 of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland will refill by one member

Are you interested in gaining memorable experiences? Would you like to gain significant personal growth only within one year? Are you interested in building a better university? What about influencing...


SYL: The best election promise is a promise for education

Comment 25.2.2015 The best election promise is a promise for education – Finland will rise through education! The National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) and the Union of...


Students kick off their parliamentary election campaign

The cornerstones of the Finnish society are our high competence and our internationally renowned education system. By investing in education we are investing in the future of Finland. Change the...


ISYY’s Anniversary Week – celebrations all week long!

ISYY celebrates its 5th birthday in the form of the anniversary week. Seven days are packed with events and games. Stay tuned for more information! Monday, 9th March The anniversary week...


FSHS informs: Virtual weight control group

Concerned about your weight? Why not join a weight control support group? This year we‘ll be starting seven weight control support groups each led by a public health nurse. You...


ISYY’s 5th Anniversary – Welcome to join the festivities

We are delighted to invite you to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland. The festivities will be held at the Art museum...


Philanthropy by jumping – charity ticket campaign

Traditional ski jumping world cup games are held between 9th and 10th of March 2015 in Puijo (Kuopio). On Monday there will be preliminary and students snow carving competition. On...


Winterfest tickets have been sold out

There is a small number of tickets sold at Puikkari door on 24.2. starting from 22.30. More information: Winterfest


Campus offices opening hours in Easter

ISYY’s Joensuu and Kuopio offices are open on Wed 1.4. at 10–15. The office in Savonlinna is open on Wed 1.4. at 10–14. Due the Easter holidays all ISYY’s campus offices will...