What's on


ISYY Representative Council’s meeting on 19.9.2015

The next meeting (4/2015) of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland Representative Council will be held in Tanhuvaara Sports Institute on Saturday 19.9.2015 starting from 10 am. The representative council...


Association days will be held in September

Student union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) organizes Association days during the last whole week of September in all three campuses. Joensuu In Joensuu, Association days will be...


Election infos in September

Elections of the Council of Representatives for the Student Union are almost here. What’s the point of the elections? Come and find out at the Elections Infos! You’ll get information...


Campaigning dates for the Representative Council Elections

All the lists of candidates running for the ISYY’s Elections of the Council of Representatives have their chance to present themselves and do campaigning in University’s facilities on dates informed...


University Foundations’ research grants at Kuopio campus

Kuopio University Foundation, Antti and Tyyne Soininen Foundation and Helena Vuorenmies Foundation award grants yearly. The call for grant applications is published in August-September and the decisions on grants are...


Elections: List spokespersons are asked to inform Student Union of their contact information

The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) wishes to activate all members to take part in the Elections of the Council of Representatives for the Student Union...


Joensuu and Kuopio campus offices open weeks 36-37

Joensuu and Kuopio campus offices will be open on Wednesdays during the weeks 36–37 (2.9. & 9.9.) from 10am until 3pm. Offices contact information


Kampusrysäys in Joensuu

In Joensuu, the Kampusrysäys will be held on Carelia yard on Wed 2.9. at 16.00–18.00. The programme includes live music played by University of Eastern Finland Choir Joy and brass...


Kampusrysäys in Kuopio

The Kampusrysäys (‘Campus Crash’) in Kuopio will be held in Studentia’s grounds on Thu 3.9. at 15.30–18.00. Bring your own picnic food with you and dine while listening to great...


Kampusrysäys in Savonlinna

In Savonlinna, the Kampusrysäys will be held on the university yard area on Tue 8.9. at 15.00–18.00. There will be various programme, music and good food available. The Kampusrysäys offers...