What's on


Joensuu: Lunta Ilosaaressa festival student tickets sold at ISYY’s campus office

Lunta Ilosaaressa wintery festival will be held at Joensuu Areena on 13.2.2016. Festival’s  performers include Antti Tuisku, JVG, Viikate ja Amorphis. More performers will be announced. Tickets for the festival...


Independence Day Torch Parade in Joensuu and Kuopio

The Independence Day Torch Parades are an essential part of the Student Union’s (ISYY) Independence Day traditions. They will be held in Joensuu and Kuopio on 6.12.2015 and hundreds of students...


Call for applicants: Executive Board 2016 of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland

Are you interested in gaining memorable experiences? Would you like to gain significant personal growth only within one year? Are you interested in building a better university? What about influencing...


Results of the Elections 2015

Results of the Representative Council Elections 2015


24,3 % of students voted in ISYY’s Representative Council Elections

The voting in the fourth Representative Council Elections of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) ended on Wednesday, 4th November. The electoral lists DeeKu and Itä-Suomen...


Voting for the Representative Council Elections has begun

Voting for ISYY’s Representative Council Elections has begun. The actual election days are 3.–4.11.2015 (between 9 am and 6 pm). Eligible voters have received a link by email via which...


16,3% voted in advance in ISYY’s Representative Council Elections

The advance voting of the Representative Council Elections of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) ended today on Thursday, 4 Nov, at 6pm.  16,3% of those...


Actual election days

ISYY’s Savonlinna campus office is closed during week 45 (2.–6.11.)


Organization grant application for the year 2016

The Student Union of University of Eastern Finland’s Executive Board announce that grants for the year 2016 can be applied. (Decision is made in Executive Board’s meeting on 23.10.2015.) The...


Advance voting for the ISYY’s Elections of the Council of Representatives

Advance voting for the Elections of the Council of Representatives for the Student Union (ISYY) has begun. Advance election will be held on 21.–23.10. and 26.–29.10.2015 between 9 am and...