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Attend the Representative Council Election info on 21.9. at 5 pm

What Representative Council? What are Representative Council Elections? Who are chosen to be in the Representative Council? Who can be nominated in the Representative Council Elections? How can I establish my own list of candidates?

ISYY Representative Council Elections are happening on 3.11. But what are they and why should they interest students? You can have answers to these questions during ISYY Representative Council info, which is organised remotely, on the 21st of September at 5 pm. ISYY’s central elections committee members and specialists are present at the info to give answers to questions you might have on your mind. You can join the info via the link below.

Meet.google.com, opens in a new tab: Election info

Read more:

Facebook.com, opens in a new tab: Election info

More information:

Elina Pitkänen, Coordinator of Administration, Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY), kv.kuopio(at)isyy.fi, tel. +358 44 576 8413

Oskari Jalkanen, Coordinator of the Representative Council Elections, Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY), vaalikoordinaattori(at)isyy.fi, tel. +358 44 576 8429