What's on


Wellbeing Week and Sports Afternoon

For student wellbeing! Against misery and fatigue!

Are you feeling tired and stressed out? Have you neglected your own wellbeing and exercise because you’re too busy? Are you in need of some pampering? Don’t worry, because ISYY’s Wellbeing Week will take place on 30.9.–6.10.

During the Wellbeing Week, the Student Union (ISYY) offers its members a variety of nice, relaxing activities to take your mind off the stresses of everyday life. The programme includes a variety of outdoor activities, sports, culture and some clubbing as well! Most activities are free or very reasonably priced (see the details next to each activity).

See the events listings here to find the activities that suit you best. Information can also be found on our Facebook page and at the weekly newsletter Monday Mail.


General programme:

Joensuu City Theatre
City Hall, Rantakatu 20, 80100 Joensuu
Toddler play Vaavin salattu elämä
On the following days, a student ticket to the play costs 3.5 € (normally 7 €):
– Wed 2.10. at 9.30, 11 and 18
– Thurs 3.10. at 9 and 10.30
Tickets from Carelicum, Koskikatu 5 on the show day, tel. 013 267 5222 or from the door an hour before the show, City Hall, Rantakatu 20, if there are available places

Sad Songs from the Heart of Europe by Kristian Smeds
On the following days, a student ticket to the play costs 8 euros (norm. 16 €):
– Thurs 3.10. at 18.30
– Fri 4.10. at 18.30
– Sat 5.10. at 14.30 and 18.30
Tickets from Carelicum, Koskikatu 5 on the show day, tel. 013 267 5222 or from the door an hour before the show, City Hall, Rantakatu 20, if there are available places

Art association Harha’s gallery
Kauppakatu 44
– Tue–Fri 13–18
– Sat 11–15
Sculptures and pictures inspired by street art

You can familiarize yourself with culture attractions via Kulttuurin kätköt. Joensuu library and Pohjois-Karjala museum have produced a culture walk in Joensuu. Coordinates guide to historical locations. Instructions available at Joensuu main library (Koskikatu 9) or Carelicum (Koskikatu 5) or print out at web.

Familiarise yourself with sports attractions at the Joensuu city centre via QR code navigation:
The route presenting sports attractions at the Mehtimäki and city centre areas with QR codes is 4.5 kilometers long. It takes about 45 minutes to go through the Mehtimäki sports park attractions (spots 2–11) using QR codes. The first spot is located at urheilutalo building but you can also start navigating from Virkistysuimala Vesikko – next to the university campus – at Uimarintie 1. The QR code can be found on the notice board next to the main entrance.

In order to be able to navigate with QR codes, you will need a smart phone with network connection. Some phones also require a free downloadable app in order to be able to read the codes.

If you have any questions concerning the route, please be free to contact the sports services of the City of Joensuu: Sari Jormanainen p. 050 354 3385.

Monday 30.9.

10am–3pm Organisation Day (vol 1) at Carelia Lobby
Come and find out about the different campus organisations, clubs and student-friendly associations. A great way to get involved in student life and to find like-minded people!

Tuesday 1.10.

Sports Afternoon
No teaching after 12.15pm.
Sports Afternoon programme

Wednesday 2.10.

A chance to get to know the Joensuu City Orchestra, at 9.45 introduction and 10.00 watching the practices, Carelia. Meeting point at Carelia hall’s upstairs hall, in front of C1.

The sung museum introduction to Pohjois-Karjala museum has unfortunately been cancelled.

Thursday 3.10.

10am–2pm Organisation Day (vol 2) at Carelia Lobby
Come and find out about the different campus organisations, clubs and student-friendly associations. A great way to get involved in student life and to find like-minded people!

Art association Harha organises a peer group meeting for artists and other interested parties at 7pm at Ravintola Sointula.

From 3pm onwards a guided tour at the City Theatre, 1 € /person. Note! Max. 20 participants, meeting at the City Hall entrance hall by the ticket office, Rantakatu 20.
Enroll yourself via the list at Carelia notice board by 1.10.

Friday 4.10.

Happy Hour at Carelicum Pohjois-Karjala museum, free entrance at 3pm–5pm, and at Art museum at 14–16.




Monday 30.1.

Instructed bicycle trip at 18.00.
Lenght of route is aproximately 10 km. Departures in front of the Studentia Building.
The route: Särkiniemi–Levänen–Kolmisoppi–Studentia.
Instructor: Jani Loponen.
Note; in case of rain, the trip is cancelled

Tuesday 1.10.

Learn how to dance in a minute (non-stop) / Anja Lappi
Dance Theatre Minimi at Studentia’s conference room (1:st floor/Student Union’s facilities) at 13–16.
Visited by Maijariitta Karhulahti and the author and performer of Miehen Kuolema, Miko Kivinen

FSHS stand where you can get your haemoglobin and blood pressure levels measured. At Studentia at 13–15.

Kuopio Art Museum’s doors are open 10–17.00.
Student ticket to Kuopio Museum 4 €, Kuopio Old Museum 3 € and Art Museum 3 €.
The tickets are valid for one year. (Regular prices for the tickets7 € / 5 € / 5 €).

Sports Afternoon
No teaching after 12.15pm.
Sports Afternoon programme

Please note, that you must enroll for the activites with a charge, and that the enrollment period for most activities ends on Thursday 26.9. at 16.00.

Wednesday 3.10.

The elderly day concert welcomes also younger visitors on Wed 2.10., 1 pm at Music Centre.
Tickets 6 €/person. Kuopio’s Symphony Orchestra performs music by e.g. Jean Sibelius. Soloist: Anna Immonen.

Kuopio Art Museum’s doors are open 10–17.00.
Student ticket to Kuopio Museum 4 €, Kuopio Old Museum 3 € and Art Museum 3 €.
The tickets are valid for one year. (Regular prices for the tickets7 € / 5 € / 5 €).

Author presentation at 18.00 -n. 19.15 (Studentia’s 2nd floor, the chapel)
Satumainen Kuopio – Marja-Sisko Aalto and Tatu Kokko tell about the meaning of Kuopio in their books Murha tuomiokapitulissa and Heinäkuun päivä.

Thursday 4.10.

Kuopio Men Choir’s Rehersal at L2/ Canthia at 16.00–16.30. Everyone is welcome to follow the rehersals.

Kuopio Art Museum’s doors are open 10–17.00.
Student ticket to Kuopio Museum 4 €, Kuopio Old Museum 3 € and Art Museum 3 €.
The tickets are valid for one year. (Regular prices for the tickets7 € / 5 € / 5 €).

Nighttime Floorball: the tournament has been cancelled because of low demand.

Friday 5.10.

Kuopio Art Museum’s doors are open 10–17.00.
Student ticket to Kuopio Museum 4 €, Kuopio Old Museum 3 € and Art Museum 3 €.
The tickets are valid for one year. (Regular prices for the tickets7 € / 5 € / 5 €).

Kuopio Vilimit presents: JÄNIKSENÄ VARKAUDESSA at 18 at movie theatre Kuvakukko.
Tickets at ISYY’s office 4 e/piece.

Kuopio City Theatre:
Niskavuoren nuori emäntä play
Place: Kuopion Yhteiskoulu
Time: 19:00

Tickets for university students and personnell 12,5 € when bought at the theatre ticket office. Open on Mon–Sat at 12–17 at Puistokoulu or an hour before the show.

Saturday 6.10.

Kuopio Vilimit presents:  21 TAPAA PILATA AVIOLIITTO at 15.30 at movie theatre Kuvakukko.
Tickets at ISYY’s office 4 e/piece.

Kuopio City Theatre:
Niskavuoren nuori emäntä play
Place: Kuopion Yhteiskoulu
Time: 19:00

Tickets for university students and personnell 12,5 € when bought at the theatre ticket office. Open on Mon–Sat at 12–17 at Puistokoulu or an hour before the show.

Sunday 7.10.

Kuopio Vilimit presents:  METSÄN TARINA at 13.15 at movie theatre Kuvakukko.
Tickets at ISYY’s office 4 e/piece.

Kuopio Vilimit presents:  KEKKONEN TULEE! at 15.45 at movie theatre Kuvakukko.
Tickets at ISYY’s office 4 e/piece.




Open all week:

Olavinlinna Castle
Open on weekdays at 10.00–16.00, on weekends at 11.00–16.00.
Last guided tour starts at 15.00. Ticket sales ends at 15.15.
Entrance fee: 2.50 € by showing your student card (normally 6 € for students).

Savonlinna Regional Museum (maakuntamuseo), Riihisaari
Open on Tue–Sun 10–17
Basic exhibitions:
– LAITURILLA (’On the pier’), Life on the Saimaa shores
– NESTORI, Saimaa nature exhibition
Starting from 1.10.2013: Changing Savonlinna, old photos and films
Entrance fee: student 3 €, with the culture pass 50 students for free (these tickets can be purchased at the Student Union office)

Swimming hall Pikku-Saimaa and the swimming hall gym
Tickets, when bought at the Student Union office:
– swimming ticket 2.80 € (kulttuuripassilla 50 opiskelijaa ilmaiseksi, liput yo-kunnan toimistolta)
– gym ticket 3.10 € (with the culture pass 50 students for free, these tickets can be purchased at the Student Union office)

Monday 30.9.

Sports shifts:
at 17–18.15 Circuit/Aerobics + stretching, Normaalikoulu
at 18.15–19.30 Jooga, Normaalikoulu
at 20.30–22 floor ball, OKL
at 18.30–19.45 Aerobics (SaVoLi, charge 4 €), Lyseon lukio sports hall
at 19.30–20.30 Aerobics (SaVoLi, charge 4 €), Pihlajaniemi school

Movie Theatres Killa and Olavi, reduced ticket prices for evening shows 8.50 €, programme

Tuesday 1.10.

Sports Afternoon
No teaching after 12.15pm.
Sports Afternoon programme in Savonlinna

Wednesday 2.10.

FSHS (Finnish Student Health Service) stand at the 2nd floor entrance hall at 10–14

Silmäasema at the 2nd floor entrance hall at 10–14
– Free eyesight check-ups and intraocular pressure check-ups

Ice Hockey game SaPKo–K-Vantaa at 18.30 at the Talvisalo Ice Hockey Hall.
Student ticket: 7 € (with the culture pass 50 students 2 €/ticket, tickets from the Student Union’s office)

Sports shifts:
at 17 Aerobics + muscular endurance, Normaalikoulu
at 18 Stretching, Normaalikoulu
at 18.30–19.30 Aerobics (SaVoLi, charge 4 €), Lyseon lukion sports hall
at 21.45 –22.45 Floor ball, Ice Hockey hall

Thursday 3.10.

Process drama evening by the Savonlinna student theatre at 16–18 in room A304.
Viewers can participate.

Sports shifts:
at 17–19 Volley ball, Normaalikoulu
at 18.30–19.30 Aerobics (SaVoLi, charge 4 €), Lyseon lukio sports hall
at 19.30–20.30 Ball games/futsal, Lyseon lukio sports hall

Mammoth football
Heikinpohja sports field, starting from 6 pm
Enroll your team beforehand. University teams enroll at: pedary.sokl@gmail.com by 2.10. Tell the name of your team, the captain and number of participants. The team must include both boys and girls, min. 5 people. The best dressed team and the winning team will be awarded with prizes. Mammoth football will be played together with MAMK!

There are 5 bowling alleys reserved for OKL students at the Bowling centre from 7 pm to 8 pm. You must enroll at the Student Union’s office. Max. 5 persons/alley. Bowling is free. Enrollments can be made from Tue 24.9. at 10 to Fri 27.9. until 1 pm.

MovieTheatres Killa and Olavi, reduced ticket prices for evening shows 8.5 €, programme

Friday 4.10.

Savonlinna Theatre
– Guided tour at 17–18. We will meet at the entrance hall.
– Satumaa play at 19. A play about Finnish tango and Unto Mononen.
Tickets: 10 €, only 2 hours before the show (normally 20 € for students).

Savonlinna Hall
Johanna Kurkela’s tour at 19
Tickets: 32.50 € (with the culture pass, 10 students with 15 €, tickets must be reserved at the Student Union office)

Sunday 6.10.

Ice Skating at 10.45–11.45 (charge 2 €), Ice Hockey hall

Published 18.9.2013, last updated 24.9. at 14.49