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UEF tends to develop its learning surroundings significantly by the year 2020

University of Eastern Finland tends to develop its learning surroundings significantly by the year 2020.

“One of the most essential strategical objectives is that the University of Eastern Finland has the best academic learning surroundings in whole Finland.”

Objectives are going to be achieved for example by implementing different innovative learning surrounding solutions and by acquiring new vertically adjustable working tables and fitments that enable working in versatile positions.

You can read more on the Learning Surroundings Development Plan for the years 2015–2020 (Oppimisympäristöjen kehittämisen toimenpideohjelmaan 2015–2020) on UEF intra (in Finnish).

More information:

UEF intra: Strategiat (requires a username and password)


Published on 25.8.2014