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The Independents win ISYY’s representative council elections

The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland’s (ISYY) third Council of Representatives has been elected. Winners were the Independents (Puolueettomat) with seven (7) representatives.

Maria Jauhiainen from the Independents with 63 votes and Antti Häyrinen from KuoLO with 64 votes won the most votes in the elections.

Altogether 2150 votes were cast, which means that 17.3 % of eligible voters cast their vote. 8.9 % of voters cast their vote in advance. In 2011, the voter turnout was 28.2 %.

These were the third representative council elections in ISYY’s history. The 39 elected people form the highest decision-making organ in the Student Union which serves the members and acts as a link and supervisor of their interests. Advance voting took place on 28.10.–1.11.2013 and the actual election dates were 5.−6.11.2013. Elections had altogether 141 candidates and 11 lists of candidates.

The Central Election Committee counted the votes on 6.11.2013 at 6 pm after the ballot box was closed.

Number of places for lists:

Demariopiskelijat: 2
Fortis: 5
Itä-Suomen Vihreä Vasemmisto: 6
Keskeiset: 3
KuoLO: 6
Oikeat: 5
Perussuomalaiset: 1
Preemio: 1
Puolueettomat (the Independents): 7
Tieteen ja kulttuurin tukijat: 0
Vihreä lista: 3

Three candidates with most votes:

Antti Häyrinen (KuoLO): 64 votes
Maria Jauhiainen (Puolueettomat): 63 votes
Ilja Riekki (Puolueettomat): 57 votes

Election results in more detail (in Finnish)

More information:

Janne Mertanen, Secretary of the Central Election Committee, tel. 044 576 8417, paasihteeri@isyy.fi


Published on 7.11.2013, updated 19.11.2013