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SYL General Assembly in Korpilampi, Espoo

the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL)

Press release 18th Novemver 2014

The General Assembly of the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) will be held at Korpilampi, Espoo, on 21–22 November. SYL is the common representative of all the 135,000 students in Finnish universities.  The General Assembly elects the new President and the six members of the Executive Board, and outlines the union’s objectives and operations for the forthcoming year.

The General Assembly commences on Friday at 10:00. The meeting resumes on Saturday at 9:30, and at 11:00 Timo Soini, the party leader of the Finns Party, addresses the attendants of the General Assembly. On Saturday afternoon, around 16–17, the meeting culminates in the election of SYL’s new President and Executive Board.

The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of SYL, with representatives from all 15 university student unions in Finland. The student unions nominate a total of 142 delegates for the General Assembly. The total number of people attending the meeting is approximately 300.

Two candidates are running for President of SYL. The candidates are: Jari Järvenpää from the Student Union of the University of Tampere (Tamy) and Jussi Nieminen from the Student Union of the University of Turku (TYY).

The number of candidates for the six-member SYL Executive Board is eight. The following candidates have been nominated by the student unions: Janne Hälinen (Student Union of the University of Lapland LYY), Raine Katajamäki (Student Union of Åbo Akademi ÅAS), Toivo Laitinen (Student Union of the University of Helsinki HYY), Lauri Lehtoruusu (Aalto University Student Union), Paula Martikainen (Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland ISYY), Iiris Niinikoski (Student Union of the University of Helsinki HYY), Ville Siikaluoma (Student Union of the University of Oulu OYY) and Silja Silvasti (Student Union of the University of Jyväskylä JYY). The candidate nominations are open until the election process begins at the General Assembly.

The statutory items on the agenda for the meeting include next year’s plan of action and budget. Other items on the agenda include discussion around the goals of the student movement for the Finnish Parliamentary Election in the spring of 2015.

The media is very welcome to follow the yearly high point of Finnish student politics on both days of the meeting. The election of officials will take place on Saturday afternoon. SYL will inform the media about the results as soon as possible once the results are in.

The preferred times for interviews are during lunch (Fri 12.30–14 and Sat 12–13) and after the conclusion of the assembly. For inquiries about interviews, please contact SYL’s Information Officer (riitta.kappi@syl.fi, tel. 041 515 2228).

The SYL General Assembly will be broadcast live online. The live broadcast will be available at http://new.livestream.com/ muunne/SYL. The latest news from the General Assembly will also be updated on SYL’s Facebook page and on Twitter. Follow the General Assembly in social media with the hashtag #SYLliittari.

Further information:

Secretary General Juha Töyrylä, tel. 041 515 2229
President Piia Kuosmanen, tel. 044 906 5007

The best way to reach SYL during the actual meeting is through Information Officer Riitta Käppi, tel. 041 515 2228

All email addresses are of the format firstname.lastname@syl.fi

You will find the official General Assembly documents (in Finnish and Swedish) at: http://www.syl.fi/materiaalit/ liittokokous

The online material also includes the program and timetable of the meeting.

Venue: Hotel Korpilampi, Espoo. For more information, please visit http://www.korpilampi.fi/ contact/