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SYL: Free Education Under Threat – Students Celebrate the Day for Free Education 1.12

The National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL)
Comment 1st December 2014

Monday 1 December is the Day for Free Education. With this theme day the student movement wants to draw attention to all students’ equal opportunities to study at Finnish universities.

Free education is the only way to guarantee truly equal opportunities to study at university. The principle of free education is now being broken, as there are plans to introduce tuition fees for foreign students.

“Tuition fees are an insupportable idea, which is based on deluded impressions of additional income and ideological visions on commercialising education. Instead, it is a good investment to provide free education for international students as well, not only for internationalisation of the upper education and internationalisation at home, but also for Finland’s internationalisation, the export industry’s competitiveness and closing the sustainability gap”,  the Presidents of the student organisations say in unison.

The student organisations point out that free education is a profitable investment, and that it is a low price to pay for international experts!

“Wisdom, education and innovation do not only live within Europe. We should not close our doors to a truly global world. We say no thank you to tuition fees!”, the Presidents state.

The Day for Free Education is particularly visible in social media, e.g. on Facebook and Twitter under the hashtag #maksutonkoulutus.

The following student organisations participate in the Day for Free Education: Akava Students, Swedish-speaking School Student Union of Finland (FSS), Finnish Centre Students (KOL), Liberal Students LSK, the Finnish Student Alliance – OSKU, the National Union of Vocational Students in Finland – SAKKI, the Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences – SAMOK, the Union of Upper Secondary School Students in Finland SLL, Social Democratic Students in Finland – SONK, STTK Students, the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL), Left Students – VASOP and the Federation of Green Youth and Students ViNO.

Further information:

Akava Students, President Jouni Markkanen, tel. +358 40 542 9514
FSS, President Cia Laine, tel. +358 44 2778669
KOL, President Jirka Hakala, tel. +358 50 3897260
LSK, President Christoffer Andersson, tel. +358 45 355 4341
OSKU, President Irene Nyberg, tel. +358 50 516 9244
SAKKI, Vice President (future President) Musa Jallow, tel. +358 44 0824221
SAMOK, Chairperson Toni Asikainen, tel. +358 50 389 1000
SLL, President Otto Ahoniemi, tel. +358 40 419 5707
SONK, President Anette Karlsson, tel. +358 45 112 9299
STTK Students, President Mikko Valtonen, tel. +358 40 548 7938
SYL, President Piia Kuosmanen, tel. +358 44 906 5007
VASOP, President Tiina Parkkinen, tel. +358 40 1679660
ViNO, Presidents Maria Ohisalo, tel. +358 40 703 4185 and Aaro Häkkinen, tel. +358 45 631 2036