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Supplement application: Project grants for projects organised in the autumn semester 2014

Project grants are intended for all organisations and clubs of ISYY to support projects financially alongside your own funding and possible external funding.

Aid can be granted only for those organisations where at least half of the members are members of the Student Union (ISYY).

Project Grants are normally granted two times a year: in spring and in autumn. This autumn, ISYY received so few applications at Joensuu campus that the Campus Board decided to open the application period again.

The grant is meant for a publication of your organisation, for renting Student Union’s conference room and sauna facilities or for organising an event.

Projects targeted against bullying and discrimination, promoting internationality and collectivity, and especially projects that develop skills needed in working life, are emphasized when choosing the beneficiaries. The Student Union favors projects that are open for everyone and encourage in multidisciplinarity. Also, paying attention to Fair Trade is an advantage when planning the projects. When the Student Union is distributing the money, the priority order will be: student organisations, clubs and then other campus organisations.

You have to apply with “avustushakemuslomake” (unfortunately only in Finnish).

Applications have to be at the Student Union’s office the latest on 1.10.2014 at 12 am with a project plan attached.

After getting the grant, the organisation is obligated to send a report about the event to the Student Union. The grant has to be used the latest on 31.12.2014. The Joensuu campus board will make decisions about grants during October.

For more information:

Antti Saarelainen, Chairperson of the Joensuu Campus Board, kampuspj.joensuu@isyy.fi, tel. +358 50 535 3326


Published on 15.9.2014, updated on 16.9.2014