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Students hope updates for UEF’s learning environment

During the spring, ISYY’s Room Committee (tilavaliokunta) arranged an enquiry about students´ opinions and ideas about UEF´s learning environment and ISYY’s facilities. 200 students gave their opinion.

General wish was that the UEF’s learning environment should be updated to meet modern needs. Problems listed were the shortage of computers, lack of quiet study rooms, as well as the lack of more relaxed and cozy lounge areas. Still, 49 % of the respondents graded the environment as 4 on the scale from 1 to 5.

Results show that there is a need for four different kinds of learning facilities (summary):

1) Quiet reading areas, where each student has a table and a plug for laptop. Silence must be secured with soundproofing.

2) Places for studying with fast computers, big tables, ergonomic chairs, printers and good ventilation. Normal, quiet conversation is ok but noise is not accepted.

3) Group working spaces, where a small group can gather around one table. The room must have a computer with big screen and it should also enable conversation.

4) Lounge area, where students can hang around between the lectures.

More detailed summary and the lottery winners (in Finnish) from the Finnish language news.


Published on 30.5.2013