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Student Union is looking for the Teacher of the Year!

UEF´s Rector and Academic rector award once a year a distinguished UEF teacher with the title “Teacher of the Year”. Award is nominated by the Student Union (ISYY) and both Kuopio and Joensuu/Savonlinna campus teachers are awarded.

The Student Union is waiting for your proposal who should be nominated as a teacher of this year. Proposals can be made by single student or student organization.

Teacher of the year should have following qualities:

– He/she develops open-mindedly and innovatively his/her pedagogical skills
– He/she is in the university for the Student.
– He/she is a skilled instructor.
– His/her teaching leads to a high-quality learning.
– He/she is approachable and supportive.
– He/she collects feedback from students and gives also his/her reply.
– He/she has other qualities not listed here.

Deadline for proposals with grounds is 10th May (before Midnight) either to the Student Union Office (written) or electronic.

Award is given for the chosen Teachers of the Year in the opening ceremonies of the university academic year in Kuopio.

More information:

Secretary for Interest Advocacy Pekka Koivaara (Joensuu-Savonlinna) soko@isyy.fi, 050 535 3376
Secretary for Interest Advocacy Mikko Aaltonen (Kuopio) koso@isyy.fi, 044 576 8414


Published on 22.4.2014