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Speak your mind – ISYY’s Smiles and Complaints Week 3–9 Oct 2016

During the Smiles and Complaints Week you can send your feedback via the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland to ISYY, the University, FSHS (Finnish Student Health Service), Amica or any other party involved in student’s life.  You can give us feedback by post-it notes or speaking your mind at the stands or you can fill in our feedback form.

What deserves a smile? What’s wrong? What gives you grey hair? Tell us, and we’ll take your feedback forward!

You can give us feedback by filling in the online form (during week 40). The form will open on Mon 3.10. at 8 am and close on Sun 9.10. at 23.59.

Link to the online feedback form

Events in Joensuu:

You’re welcome to give us your feedback at Carelia entrance hall on Thursday 6.10. between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

You can also give your feedback by post-it notes at Natura, Futura, Agora and Carelia entrance halls.

Events in Kuopio:

You’re welcome to give us your feedback at Snellmania downstairs entance hall on Thursday 6.10. between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

You can also give your feedback by post-it notes at Snellmania and Canthia downstair halls.

Events in Savonlinna:

You’re welcome to give us your feedback OKL up-stairs hall on Wednesday 5.10. between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

You can also give your feedback by post-it notes at OKL up-stairs hall.

Smiles and Complaints Week a part of Wellbeing Week and Students of Finland campaign

Another event called Wellbeing Week is held on campuses during week 40 coinciding with the Smiles and Complaints Week. You can see the schedule for the Wellbeing Week on ISYY’s website.

Student unions in Finland and the National Union of University Students in Finland SYL have been sharing students’ stories and thoughts on studies and everyday life on social media by posting interviews and photos with the hashtag #StudentsofFinland. Follow the hashtag #StudentsofFinland on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland will share ISYY members’ stories especially during week 40, Oct 6–8. You too can share your experiences and stories about student life and the Wellbeing Week on social media by using the hashtags #StudentsofFinland, #opiskelijaelämää, or ISYY’s very own #StudentsOfUef.

For further information:

Matti Nivala, Executive Board member in charge of social policy affairs and tutoring, Itä-Suomen yliopiston ylioppilaskunta, matti.nivala@isyy.fi, tel. +358 44 5768404