What's on


Smiles and complaints week on 18.–22.11. on ISYY’s campuses!

You can give feedback to ISYY, UEF, Amica, FSHS or whom ever you wish to give feedback to! Tell us what makes you happy, angry or confused, we will send it to the right instance!

You can also give feedback via an electronic form:

Electronic feedback form

Programme in Joensuu:

EVVK meeting at Lounge on Thurs 21.11. at 12–14. Coffee will be served.

Programme in Kuopio:

Members of the Kuopio Campus Board will collect feedback at 11–13 on Tue 19.11. at Canthia and on Thurs 21.11. at Snellmania. They will also serve coffee and candy!

Complain about anything afternoon on Tue 19.11. at 5 pm at Lukema (Student Union Building, Yliopistonranta 3). Now you’re allowed to complain about anything that’s wrong with living in Kuopio. Coffee and refreshments will be provided by the Student Union to all participants.

You’ll also have a chance to find more about the SYKETTÄ sports project at Wed 20.11. at 12–17 Studentia.

More information:

Satu Koikkalainen, ISYY, tel. 044 576 8403, satu.koikkalainen@isyy.fi


Published on 14.11.2013, updated on 19.11. at 13.58