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Search announcements: ISYY searches for student representatives to the University Board, Collegiate and Faculty Councils

ISYY searches for student representatives to the University Board, Collegiate and Faculty Councils. Please find the search announcements attached below in pfd format.

University Board

The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland seeks two (2) student representatives to the Board of the University of Eastern Finland.

Search announcement, University Board (pdf)


University Collegiate

The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland seeks eight (8) members and eight (8) deputies to the Collegiate of the University of Eastern Finland.

Search announcement, Collegiate (pdf)


Faculty Councils

The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland seeks four (4) student members and four (4) deputies to Faculty Councils of the Philosophical Faculty, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Science and Forestry and Faculty of Social Sciences and Business.

Search announcement, Faculty Councils (pdf)


Application period for all the positions above ends on 20.9.2013 at 15.00.

Applications with grounds must be submitted to www.halloped.fi or to the Student Union offices:

Kuopio, Yliopistonranta 3, 70210 Kuopio

Joensuu, Yliopistokatu 7, 80100 Joensuu

Savonlinna, Kuninkaankartanonkatu 7, 57100 Savonlinna

More information:

Student representatives in university administration at ISYY’s web pages


Published 26.8.2013