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Preliminary information on Sawo-Karjala Excursions 2014!

Sawo-Karjala Excursion is one of the most famous and popular May Day celebration traditions of the Student Union (ISYY). During the Excursion, students circle around Eastern Finland on buses on a predetermined route which will remain a secret until the buses start their trip. The buses will also stop at restaurants and pubs at different locations giving students a chance to enjoy some refreshments (the refreshments are not included in the price of the tour). The Excursion will start around noonish and last until the late evening.

Traditionally, the Sawo-Karjala Excursions have been held at Joensuu and Kuopio campuses. This year, the Excursion will also be organised in Savonlinna, in case there are enough preliminary enrolments.

There will be more information given out on the timetables of the Excursions later, stay tuned and keep an eye on ISYY’s communication channels!

Joensuu: (updated 31.3.)

Sawo-Karjala Excursion will be organised at Joensuu campus on Tue 29.4.2014. There will be 2-3 buses and they will start their tour between 12 am and 2 pm. Tickets will be sold at ISYY’s Joensuu campus office (Yliopistokatu 7, Haltia 2. krs.) starting from 31.3. Tickets will cost 15 € + 8 € if you want to eat. This will be sold out fast!


Sawo-Karjala Excursion will be organised at Kuopio campus on Tue 29.4.2014. There will be four buses and they will start their tour between 12 am and 2 pm. Tickets will be sold at ISYY’s Kuopio campus office (Lukema, Yliopistonranta 3) starting from 14.4. at 10 am. The tickets will cost 20 € and one person can buy max. four tickets (1 +3). The tickets will run out soon, so be on time!


Sawo-Karjala Excursion will be organised at Savonlinna campus on Tue 29.4.2014, in case there are enough preliminary enrolments. The tickets will cost 15–20 €/student.

Preliminary enrolment for the Excursion will start at the Student Union (ISYY) Savonlinna office (Kuninkaankartanonkatu 7) on Wednesday 26.3. at 10 am, and it will end on Wednesday 2.4. at 12 am.

In case the Excursion will take place, tickets must be paid in cash at the Student Union office.


Published on 25.3.2014