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Philanthropy by jumping – charity ticket campaign

Traditional ski jumping world cup games are held between 9th and 10th of March 2015 in Puijo (Kuopio). On Monday there will be preliminary and students snow carving competition. On Tuesday there will be the official World Cup -partial race.

Puijo Ski Games comes this year with a charity ticket campaign. University of Eastern Finland’s, Savo Consortium for Education’s and Savonia University of Applied Sciences’ students’ and staff can purchase ticket to Puijo Ski Games via Lippupalvelu and participate on a charity ticket campaign at the same time. Lottery’s main price is a 1500€ Matka-Vekka travel gift card.


All tickets purchased at the time of the campaign (1. -28.February 2015) participate in the lottery of 3 travel gift cards (1500€, 1000€ and 500€). Charity subject 75% of the proceeds will be given to Nuorten Palvelut ry’s support person operation.

Ticket prices are for students 6€ and for staff members 16€ (incl. delivery fees). One person may purchase only one ticket. Note! Philanthropy by Jumping –campaing’s tickets are only for students and staff members of University of Eastern Finland, Savo Consortium for Education and Savonia University of Applied Sciences.

Snow carving competition will be held on Monday 9 March 2015 starting at 4 pm. The competition is for students of University of Eastern Finland, Savo Consortium for Education and Savonia University of Applied Sciences.

First 12 teams to enroll will be in the competition. Teams must have 4 to 6 members. The maximum teams / school is 4. Teams will be selected by the order of enrollment. When enrolling, provide the following information: Team name, participants’ names, school and contact information for team leader (phone number and e-mail address). Enrollments to toimisto.savotta@savonia.fi

Every team member gets a free Puijo Ski Games –ticket, which grants access to the Ski Games –area on both days. Winning team will be awarded by a dinner at Puijo Tower Restaurant.

More information:
