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Participate in the #kutsumua picture campaign

The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) encourages you to participate in the Union of Upper Secondary School Students in Finland’s anti-bullying campaign #kutsumua.

Take a picture of two words, one of which describes the label that others have tried to stuck on you, and the other the kind of feature you would like others to recognise in you and be remembered of. Then cross out the first word – it will be used only by fools. You can tell more about your story in the photo! Share your photo with the hastag #kutsumua and challenge someone whose story you would like to hear. You can also attach #ISYY to your picture.

You can participate in the campaign by sharing the photo on social media on your own account or to be photographed at the campus event Kampusrysäys:

Joensuu on 3.9. at 4–5 pm
Kuopio on 4.9. at 3–6 pm
Savonlinna on 9.9. at at 4–5 pm

You can read more about the campaign in the Union of Upper Secondary School Students in Finland’s website.

Read more:

the Union of Upper Secondary School Students in Finland: Kutsumua (in Finnish only)

For more information:

Paula Martikainen, Chairman of the Board of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, puheenjohtaja@isyy.fi, tel 044 576 8400


Published 3.9.2014