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Noora Kettunen elected as the Chair of ISYY’s Council of Representatives and Paula Martikainen as the Chair of the Executive Board

The Representative Council for the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) elected new chairpersons and ISYY’s Executive Board for the year 2014 in its meeting on 7.12.2013.

Noora Kettunen (21, Demariopiskelijat) from Joensuu campus was elected as the new Chairperson of the Council of Representatives. Kettunen has been responsible for the Recreation and Development Cooperation in ISYY’s Executive Board in 2013. Väinö Vähämäki (24) from Kuopio campus was elected as the 1st Vice-chair and Olli-Pekka Sartanen (25) from Kuopio campus as the 2nd Vice-chair.

Paula Martikainen (23, Puolueettomat) from Savonlinna campus was elected as the Chairperson of ISYY’s Executive Board. Martikainen has been responsible for the Communications and Student Tutoring sectors in ISYY’s Executive Board in 2013. She has also been the Vice-chair of the Savonlinna Campus Board. Other Executive Board members for the year 2014 are Antti Saarelainen, Juho Pulkka, Emmi Alho, Anu Arosanervo, Inka-Mari Helvilä, Juho Malinen and Matias Vainio.

The term of the Executive Board starts on 1.1.2014 and will last a calendar year. The new Executive Board has its organising meeting on 12.12.2013.

More information:

Chairperson of the Executive Board 2014 Paula Martikainen, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, tel. 044 576 8402, paula.martikainen@isyy.fi

Secretary General Janne Mertanen, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, tel. 044 576 8417, paasihteeri@isyy.fi


Published on 9.12.2013