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New board elected for ESN Joensuu International Club

ESN Joensuu, ISYY’s International Club on UEF Joensuu campus, has a new board. The board was chosen in the presence of 53 ISYY members in the ESN Joensuu autumn general meeting on the 10th of September 2014 by a closed vote.

The new board consists of 10 members:
President: Marianne Kraus
Vice-President and Local Representative: Pablo Guillerna Franco
Treasurer: Riitta Sahlsten
Secretary: Diede Oudenampsen
IT Manager: David Gil de Gómez Pérez
Social Media Manager: Katrina Immonen
Graphic Designer: Hiromi Niki
And last but not least three Event Managers:
Laura Carman
Malavika Jaikumar
Julio Rivera

In addition to the board Phuong Tran was chosen as the Social Erasmus Coordinator, and Chikayasu Bando as the official photographer of the ESN Joensuu trips and events.

The new board can be contacted via email: esnjoensuu@esnfinland.eu