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Master’s Award in development studies 2014

Have you written a high quality master’s thesis on global development or development studies? Or do you know someone who has?

The Finnish University Partnership for International Development (UniPID) (www.unipid.fi) and the Finnish Society for Development Research (FSDR) (http://www.kehitystutkimus.fi/?page_id=326) are jointly seeking exceptional Master’s level theses from UniPID universities to be awarded.

The Master’s Award in Development Studies will be presented in November 2014. The prize sum is 1,000 euros. There will also be two honorable mentions for exceptionally meriting works.

The Master’s Award in Development Studies selection criteria is the following:
– the thesis has been approved during the period 1.8.2013-31.7.2014 at a UniPID University, as a master’s level thesis included in a degree (the language is Finnish, Swedish, or English)
– the grade is at least magna cum laude or higher, or at least 4 if the work has been graded on a scale of 1-5
– this is a multidisciplinary competition and the disciplines are not limited in advance. The work should however fit within a development research framework, e.g. development studies, developing country research.

In unclear cases, the appointed Award Working Group will decide whether the work fulfills the above conditions.


All submissions should be sent in electronic format (PDF) to the Secretary of the Award Working Group, Outi Etuaho, by 31 July, 2014 at 16.00 at the latest. The thesis and necessary attachments should be sent either vie mail on a CD or USB drive, or as email attachments. The work can be sent either by the Supervisor, ensuring the consent of the Author, or by the Author.

The submitted theses should be accompanied by the following information:
– personal contact information of the author (home address, email and phone number)
– transcript of records and/or examiner’s statement indicating the university, department, supervisor(s), the grade the work received, and the official date of approval
– a summary of the work (max 1 page)
– reasons for participating in the competition (max 1 page)

The submitted materials will not be returned.

All submissions should be sent to:
Outi Etuaho
UniPID – Finnish University Partnership for International Development
University of Jyväskylä
PO Box 35
40014 University of Jyväskylä

For more information:

Outi Etuaho by email: outi.a.etuaho@jyu.fi



Published on 4.6.2014