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List spokespersons are asked to inform Student Union of their contact information

The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) wishes to activate all members to take part in the Elections of the Council of Representatives for the Student Union and will therefore enable people to find a list of candidates suitable for them. In order for this to happen, we will publish contact information of spokespersons (person in charge of organising candidate lists) for lists.

The Student Union will publish all contact information sent to us and will not be held liable for any missing information if it is not sent to the Student Union.

In order to get your details online, send them to tiedotus@isyy.fi by email. In your email, please tell the following information: name of the list of candidates you are in charge of and your contact information (name, phone number, email address).

You will find more information on the elections in english at ISYY’s elections web site.


Published on 3.6.2013