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Letting go of printed and electronic Uljas is only one possible solution for balancing ISYY’s financial situation

The Executive Board of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) presents the integration of the SU’s newspaper Uljas to other communications as one possible solution for balancing ISYY’s financial situation. In the model presented by the Executive Board, Uljas would no longer be published as a printed or as an electronic version, but instead all of ISYY’s communications would be integrated into one single web portal.

The Council of Representatives of the Student Union will decide on Uljas’ future in its meeting on 9.11.2013. The model presented by the Executive Board is one of four models, which will all be introduced to the Council of Representatives.

More information:

Chairperson Marjo Turunen, tel. +358 44 576 8400, puheenjohtaja@isyy.fi
Secretary General Janne Mertanen, tel. +358 44 576 8417, paasihteeri@isyy.fi


Published on 31.10.2013