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Kuopio Entrepreneurship Day: Why wait? – Day for doers and thinkers

Welcome to Entrepreneurship Day, an event that is for students, innovators and future doers in Kuopio on 8.11. starting at 10 am!

The future is built on experiments, experiencing success, approving failures and clashes between inspirational people! Our goal is to create more positive culture, more radical projects and more inspiration to our province and the whole Finland!

During this day, we make participants stars, invite them to share both their views and propose new ideas. We believe that multidisciplinary actions drive forward culture and an attitude that allows both creative communities and entrepreneurs flourish!
This event is held in The University of Eastern Finland, Snellman auditorium. After event is held on Tiukkalinna where the debates heat up in the steams of sauna!

Participation is free. Event is arranged by the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) and Kuopio Entrepreneurship Society.

Read more:

Why wait? – Day for doers and thinkers Facebook event

More information:

Janne Kylämäki, Employment and Business Relations, Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, janne.kylamaki@isyy.fi, tel. +358 44 5768418