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Kampusrysäys kick starts the academic year together with official opening ceremonies

The University of Eastern Finland (UEF) celebrates the start of the Academic Year on all campuses in September. The official opening ceremonies will be held on 4.9. in Joensuu, on 3.9. in Kuopio and on 10.9. in Savonlinna.

After the official programme, university staff and students will have a great opportunity to get to know each other and spend time together when the campus event called Kampusrysäys (‘Campus Crash’) kicks off. The event will include picnic, music, different kinds of competitions and other activities. Winners of the competitions will be rewarded with awful and poor prizes, such as ISYY pens.

The campus events in Joensuu and Savonlinna will be held on the same dates as the official opening ceremonies, but in Kuopio, the Kampusrysäys takes place on 5.9.

You’re warmly welcomed to the happening! Just bring your picnic bag and friends with you and join us!

The campus event is organised by the University of Eastern Finland and the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY).

You will find more detailed information about the programme of the Kampusrysäys in all campuses on ISYY’s web pages, the Kampusrysäys Facebook event and UEF intra. Information will also be available via ISYY informs e-mail messages, on ISYY’s web pages and on UEF’s intranet.

More information:

ISYY web page
UEF intranet
(requires user name and password)
Kampusrysäys Facebook event


Published on 19.8.2013