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Joensuu: Sports turn application for student and staff groups, 2015 spring semester

The new sports concept for University of Eastern Finland (Joensuu campus) and Karelia University of Applied Sciences will start at the beginning of year 2015. Sykettä sports services are available for UEF and NKUAS students and staff. All users must buy the sports sticker before services can be used.

Student and staff groups can apply sports turns for them between 5.1.2015-29.5.2015. Please include your application at least:

1) Group or organization name who is applying for turn

2) Wish about the time (1-2 h per week) and place (Centrum/Niinivaara). The turns will be on Mon-Fri at 4pm-10pm and on Sat-Sun at 8am-10pm.

3) Estimated amount of participants per turn

4) Two responsible persons of the turn (name, phone, email). Responsible persons have to check that everybody who will participate, has an up-to-date sports sticker. Also, responsible persons will take care of general order. For reward, responsible persons will get their sports stickers for free. The turn cannot be granted before it has two responsible persons.

Applications forms must be sent via email to liikuntasuunnittelija(at)isyy.fi before 21.11. at 4pm. The turns will be delivered at the meeting on 25.11. at 5pm in C2 auditorium (Carelia-building). The utilization rate will be weighted when delivering the turns.

For more information:

Heli Aalto, p. 044 576 8445, liikuntasuunnittelija(at)isyy.fi
Mervi Hinkkanen, p. 050 327 2233, koordinaattori(at)varmapoka.fi
Juho Mutanen, p. 050 346 9620, vapaa-aika(at)isyy.fi