What's on


Joensuu Sports Afternoon 7.10.

The Sports Afternoon is a biannual event organised by the Student Union. The purpose of the Sports Afternoon is to give our students an opportunity to try new sports for a very affordable price (or for free) and to get everyone moving at least for one afternoon per semester. There will be no teaching after 12.15pm so everyone is able to take part – and we recommend you do! There is a great choice of activities, the list of which is below. Once you have chosen what you would like to do, please remember to book yourself a place (instructions on how to book next to each activity description). Some activities must be booked by 12pm on Friday 3.10. and we recommend you book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment – these activities tend to fill up fast.

After you have done your exercise you can reward yourself at the AFTERPARTIES at Kerubi and Ilona. Both clubs will be heaving with people, live music and fantastic atmosphere from 10pm to 4am. One ticket (5e) gives you admission to both of these parties so you cruise around and see which party you prefer! Tickets are sold at the Student Union office until the 6.10.2014. There are a limited number of tickets available to these parties, so be quick to get yours.

The Sports Afternoon and the afterparties are for everyone to enjoy and we really hope to see you at some of the activities!

All students are insuranced by OLL (the Finnish Student Sports Federation). The insurance doesn’t cover bouldering and or wall climbing.


Time: 1pm-4pm
Place: Dog Sport Centre Pärnävaaran koiraurheilukeskus (Pärnävaarantie 32, 80400 Liperi, www.parnavaaranhalli.fi)
Cost: 5 €
Equipment: Dog
Registration and information: contact heidi.hirvasoja-korkee@uef.fi

American football (trial)
Time: 1pm-3pm
Place: Koivuniemi playing field (behind the Lutheran church)
Cost: Free
Spaces available: 30
Registration: https://elomake.uef.fi/lomakkeet/7034/lomake.html
Registration time: 22.9 at 9am – 3.10 at 12noon

Cosmic bowling
Time: 12noon–10pm
Place: Cosmic Bowling, Metropol shopping centre
Cost: 11 e + 2 e shoe hire

Time: 12noon–10pm
Place: Cosmic Bowling, Metropol shopping centre
Cost: Pool table 7 e/hour

Guided squash and racketball
Welcome to play squash and racketball to Kuntokeidas. Joensuu squash club offers free guidance and tips for both sports. Squash is a fast moving ball game. Getting started is easy, you only need shoes and racket. Racketball is easier way to start playing. Rackets and shoes can be rented from Kuntokeidas. Book your court in advance.
More information: Jarkko Mustonen, jamuston(a)gmail.com, p. 045 3436625

Football, Competetive league (kilpasarja)
Time: 12.30pm-6pm
Place: Koivuniemi playing field (behind the Lutheran church)
Cost: Free
Spaces available: 10 teams
Registration at ISYY office between 22.9 at 10am – 3.10 at 12noon

Football, Non-competetive league (rentosarja) (Full!)
Time: 12.30pm-6pm
Place: Louhela playing field (next to Tiedepuisto)
Cost: Free
Spaces available: 10 teams (all teams must have both male and female players)
Registration at ISYY office between 22.9 at 10am – 3.10 at 12noon

Golf (guided trial)
Time: 1pm-3pm
Place: Pilkonpuisto golf course, Pankakuja 3, Pilkko (3km from the university)
Cost: 5e (including equipment)
Spaces available: 25
Registration: contact Aki Keronen, tel. 050 302 5933, toimisto@kareliagolf.fi

Time: 1pm-3pm OR 3pm-5pm (2 groups)
Place: Hasanniemi, Joensuu
Cost: 20e (to be paid in advance, after registration)
Spaces available: 24 (12+12)
Registration: contact: tiedotus@joensuunkauhojat.net

Joensuun Kuntokeidas Sports Centre
Varied sports available at student-friendly prices between 12noon-5pm.
– Equipment hire included in the price.
– Bowling: 7.50 e/hour/lane
– Tennis: 15 e/hour
– Squash 6 e/hour
– Badminton 6 e/hour
– Billiards/Snooker 4 e/hour
– Minigolf 3 e/person/round
– Gym 3.50 e/person
– Table tennis 3.50 e/person
– Bouldering 3.50 e/person
– Mechanical climbing wall 10 e/0,5 h
– Registration: contact Kuntokeidas, tel. 013-126558

OBS! Sports afternoon’s insurance doesn’t cover vouldering or wall climbing!

Core (Forever Joensuu) (Full!)
Time: 1pm–1.50pm
Place: Forever Joensuu (Kaislakatu 4)
Cost: Free
Spaces available: 50
Registration: https://elomake.uef.fi/lomakkeet/7036/lomake.html
Registration time: 22.9. at 9am – 3.10. at 12noon

Aero Spinning (Forever Joensuu) (Full!)
Time: 2pm–2.45pm
Place: Forever Joensuu (Kaislakatu 4)
Cost: Free
Spaces available: 32
Registration: https://elomake.uef.fi/lomakkeet/7037/lomake.html
Registration time: 22.9. at 9am – 3.10. at 12noon

Bodypump (Forever Joensuu) (Full!)
Time: 3.10pm–4.10pm
Place: Forever Joensuu (Kaislakatu 4)
Cost: Free
Spaces available: 55
Registration: https://elomake.uef.fi/lomakkeet/7040/lomake.html
Registration time: 22.9. at 9am – 3.10. at 12noon

Horse riding lessons
Time: 12noon–5pm
Place: Joensuun Ratsastusopisto, Kuurna-Kulhontie 93, 80910 Kulho (10km from Joensuu)
Cost: 20 e
Registration by 28.9.: tel. 013 824 570

Stretching & Body Combat
Stretching: 6.25 pm-7 pm
Body Combat: 6.25 pm-7.20 pm
Place: Fitness Centre Viilinki, Ranta-Mutalantie 100
Cost: 5.50e
Registration time: Until 6.10. asiakaspalvelu@viilinki.com or p. 050 437 2821
Equipment: no previous boxing experience needed, bring your own cotton gloves or buy them from us for 2e/pair.

Time: 12noon-5pm
Place: Vesikko swimming hall
Cost: Free
Registration: To Vesikko info on 7.10. after 12noon
20 tickets for students, 30 tickets for UEF staff. Gym included.
Student card or staff card needed!

Trip to Kuhasalo
Time: 2pm from Ylisoutaja bridge (Centrum side)
Let’s identify different mosses and lichens with biology students. There’s also a campfire at Kuhamaja. Take your own packed lunch!
Cost: Free
Registartion: No registation

Trip to Koli National Park
Bus ticket: 10 e
Registration: ISYY office until 3.10. at 12noon, pay when registrating.

Bus 1: (Full!)
Departure at 11.30 from Carelia
12.30 Arriving to Koli
13-17 Hiking, eating packed lunch (campfire), visiting Luontokeskus Ukko
17.00 Departure from Koli National park

Bus 2: (Full!)
Departure at 12.30 from Carelia
13.30 Arriving to Koli
14-17 Hiking, eating packed lunch (campfire), visiting Luontokeskus Ukko
17.00 Departure from Koli National park

Bus 3: (Full!)
Departure at 12noon from Carelia
13.00 Arriving to Koli
13-17 Hiking, eating packed lunch (campfire), visiting Luontokeskus Ukko
17.00 Departure from Koli National park

Roller derby
Time: at 3pm-5pm
Place: Kerubi’s Sali (Siltakatu 1)
Cost: Free
Registration: joensuu.rollerderby@gmail.com, tell your name, size of shoe and size of covers (S-L)
Equipment: Sports clothes, indoor shoes, water bottle, positive attitude

“Rugby is a beastly game played by gentlemen; soccer is a gentleman’s game played by beasts; football is a beastly game played by beasts.”
Time: 12.30-14.00
Place: At Mehtimäki turf
Cost: Free
Registration: anttiko@student.uef.fi
Equipment: Sports clothes, running shoes

Treetop-adventure park
Time: 12noon, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm (5 groups)
Registration: at ISYY office until 30.9.
Cost: 15 €
More information: http://treetop.fi/home


Sports Afternoon Afterparties


As per tradition, the Sports Afternoon is all about working hard and playing hard! After an afternoon of exercise you totally deserve a good night out with all your sporty friends. The Sports Afternoon Afterparty is a legend among the students of Joensuu and simply cannot be missed. The great news is that you only need one ticket that will give you admission to both parties. There are a limited number of tickets available for a ridiculously low price of 5e (plus cloakroom fee upon entrance). This event is going to be a sell-out, so remember to get your ticket in time.


► Afterparty at Kerubi (Siltakatu 1, Ilosaari)
10pm-4am Kerubi dj’s
11pm Gasellit

► Afterparty at Ilona (Kauppakatu 26)
10pm-4am Jan Van Baas


Price 5 € + cloackroom fee. Tickets available at the Student Union office until Monday the 7th of September, and from Carelia hall on 3.10 and 6.10. at 10am-2pm. 500 first will get a badge. Note, that on Sports Afternoon, the Student Union office is open at 9am-11am!

On 7.10. the tickets are sold in Kerubi only for cash!
Also, stamps to Kerubi’s Kellari are given first come, first served basis so it’s strongly recommended to come early.