What's on


J. V. Snellman day on 12 May

The traditional honour visit to J. V. Snellman’s statue will be held on 12 May 2014. Kuopio Historical Society has organised the honour visits since 1887. Traditional event gathers students, organisations, and student organisations with their flags to honour the memory of J. V. Snellman. This year, the guest speaker is Eastern Finland’s Regional State Administrative Agencies Chief director Elli Aaltonen.


10am Clock Tower
Finlandia, Haapaniemi school’s students quartet
Welcoming words by Pekka Niiranen, Chairman of the Kuopio Historical Society
Salute words and flowers in front of the statue
Speech by Elli Aaltonen, Chief director of the Eastern Finland’s Regional State Administrative Agencies
Maamme song.

Everybody is welcome to attend!


Published on 9.5.2014