What's on


ISYY’s website has been updated!

The website of the Student Union (ISYY) has undergone a face lift. The visual outlook of the site has been updated and several functions have been added which aim to improve the site and make it more easy to use.

New division of contents

The contents of ISYY’s website have been divided into new sections. You will now find the following content sections on the site: What’s on, About us, Services, Get involved, Documents and Contact us.

– Under the What’s on section, you will find the current news, events and Monday Mails.

– Under the About us section, you will find information on the SU as an organisation as well as on its history and communications.

– Under the Services section, you will find information on the services provided by the SU, such as sports and recreation, arrival services and the student card and term sticker.

– Under the Get involved section, you will find information on e.g. the SU’s international clubs, Campus organisations, grants and open vacancies.

– Under the Documents section, you will find all the documents related to ISYY in one place.

– Under the Contact us section, you will find the contact information of ISYY’s staff and persons elected to positions of trust at ISYY.

All main sections except for the Contact us, have their own newsfeed which informs you of the topical issues related to the section in question.

Useful functions

Below, you will find information on some of the new functions on the website, which you might find useful.

Scaling according to screen size

The updated website takes into account the equipment on which it is used. Therefore, the website scales into right size when used e.g. with a smartphone.


You will find the Important column on the top left corner of ISYY’s front page. It will contain information e.g. on the exceptional opening hours at ISYY’s campus offices.

News channels

You will find links to the news channels (e.g. Facebook, Twitter) used by ISYY on the bottom left corner of ISYY’s front page.


You will find the three latest news related to ISYY on the front page.  If you want to read older news, go to the What’s on section.


You will find the latest events related to ISYY on the front page. If you want to view more events, go to the What’s on section and click the Events site.


You will find the Shortcuts column on the bottom right corner of ISYY’s frontpage. Shortcuts are useful links to important contents on the site.


On the upper right corner of ISYY’s frontpage, you will find a link to the sitemap. Via the sitemap, you are able to see the website’s entire hierarchy.

Bread crumbs

The content pages include a bread crumb trail on the top left corner on which you can see how you have ended up on a certain page. You can move to another page on the trail by clicking it.

Feedback is welcomed

The Student Union is happy to receive feedback on the updated website. The idea is to continue developing the website and fix the possible defects found.

If you have feedback concerning the website, please send it by email to ISYY’s Secretary for Communications: tiedotus@isyy.fi.

More information:

Heljä Koistinen, Secretary for Communications, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, tiedotus@isyy.fi, tel. 044 576 8426 (Mon–Thurs at 9–15)