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ISYY’s Sports and Wellbeing Week 2014

The Sports and Wellbeing Week of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) will be held at all campuses (Joensuu, Kuopio and Savonlinna) on 6.–9.10.2014. During the week, students can meet up with local sports and wellbeing organisations and associations who will come to the campuses to introduce their activities.

The University of Eastern Finland Sports Afternoon will also take place during the Sports and Wellbeing Week. On the Sports Afternoon on 7.10., students and the university staff can take part in various sports activites for free or for a small participation fee. The Sports Afternoon is freed from education starting at 12.15 with the UEF Rector’s decision.

Sports and Wellbeing Week’s programme on campuses:

Monday 6.10.2014

Local sports organisations and associations will introduce their activities from 10 am to 2 pm on the Carelia lobby in Joensuu, on the Snellmania lobby in Kuopio and on the upstairs lobby of OKL in Savonlinna.

At the Savonlinna campus, also:
– from 10 am to 2 pm the Finnish Red Cross (SPR) Joensuu Plus unit’s HIV quick testing at FSHS (YTHS). Book an appointment via FSHS.
– Savonlinnan Taitoluistelijat ry offers a free introduction to their activities from 7.45 pm to 8.30 pm. Place: Talvisalo Ice hall

Tuesday 7.10.2014

All campuses enjoy the university Sports Afternoon starting from 12.15.

Sports Afternoon programme in Joensuu
Sports Afternoon programme in Kuopio
Sports Afternoon programme in Savonlinna

In Joensuu, the Sports Afternoon will be continued with an afterparty at Ilona and Kerubi.

Wednesday 8.10.2014

At the Joensuu campus:
– The Section for Recreation organises easily accessible sports activities which everyone can take part in. Meeting at 3 pm in front of the Carelia alkukivet!

At the Savonlinna campus:
– FSHS info point on the second floor lobby
– An optician from Silmäasema can be met from 10 am to 2 pm, a chance to get one’s intraocular pressure measured
– FSHS’s gym group starts. The beginners gym group starts at the PikkuSaimaa gym, enroll via FSHS.
– Organisation Day from 9.30 am to 12.30 on the second floor lobby. Local organisations will introduce their activities and tell about hobby opportunities organised by them.

Thursday 9.10.2014

The Wellbeing Committee of ISYY’s Representative Council will organise a Wellbeing Day from 10 am to 2 pm on which local wellbeing organisations and associations will introduce their activities on the Carelia lobby in Joensuu, on the Snellmania lobby in Kuopio and on the upstairs lobby of OKL in Savonlinna.

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Facebook: ISYY:n Liikunta- ja hyvinvointiviikko 2014 / ISYY’s Sports and Wellbeing Week 2014