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ISYY’s Paula Martikainen elected for the Executive Board of the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL)

The Chair of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) Executive Board 2014, Paula Martikainen, was elected for the Executive Board of the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) 2015. The new Executive Board was elected in the General Assembly of SYL held in Korpilampi, Espoo on 21.–22.11.2014.

The new President of the SYL Executive Board  is history student Jari Järvenpää, 29, from the Student Union of the University of Tampere (Tamy). As well as the President, the General Assembly elected six members for the Executive Board:

Janne Hälinen (Student Union of the University of Lapland LYY)
Lauri Lehtoruusu (Aalto University Student Union AYY)
Paula Martikainen (Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland ISYY)
Jussi Nieminen (Student Union of the University of Turku TYY)
Iiris Niinikoski (Student Union of the University of Helsinki HYY)
Silja Silvasti (Student Union of the University of Jyväskylä JYY)

The National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) is the common representative of all the 135,000 students in Finnish universities.

Read more:

SYL: The SYL General Assembly elected Jari Järvenpää as their new President, and decided on their strategy for 2015