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ISYY’s May Day celebrations 2014

The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) will celebrate May Day at its campuses in Joensuu, Kuopio and Savonlinna during 24.4.−1.5.2014. The programme includes festivities organised by the Student Union as well as student organisations.

Put on your overalls and come and celebrate the academic festival with us!

You will find information on the events of the May Day celebrations here. Check also Joensuu and Kuopio Monday Mails, ISYY’s Facebook page and website and the “ISYY:n RAIlakas  vappu 2014” Facebook event.

Initial programme and timetable at campuses:

Joensuu campus events

24.4.2014 8-Appro 2014, Mikrovillus

26.4.2014 Optimi’s May Day sitsit

28.4.2014 Flying Flags event in front of Carelia building starting at 11 am

28.4.2014 May Day week’s Start party by Epsilon at 10 pm at Ilona

29.4.2014 Sawo-Karjala Excursion

29.4.2014 Amazing Race (Optimi + POKA)

30.4.2014 May Day Eve’s celebrations:

– 12.00 Forestry students ”Forsti” immersing in Ilosaari
– 14.30 Täky postulates the Alkukivi stones outside Carelia building
– 15.00 parade leaves from the Alkukivi stones to Ilosaari
– 16.00 The UEF Choir Joy performs, the speech of the Student Union in Ilosaari
– Dj Pepe and Dj Jugi play hit songs from the past decades in Ilosaari from 4.30 pm to 7 pm

– Poikkeus and JoSa’s Vappuleijonan metsästys (‘Hunting of the May Day lion’) in the Joensuu city centre starting at 4 pm. Start by the bank of Pielisjoki river, behind the City.

1.5.2014 May Day Celebrations

– Student organisations’ shared picnic in Ilosaari at 12.00. Music by Rytmihäiriköt and a quiz!
– A May Day movie Cobra (1986) at Restaurant Kerubi starting from 4 pm. The entrance is free!

Kuopio campus events

24.4.2014 Preemio’s May Day football tournament on Savon Sanomat Arena at 11–17. After party at Onnela starting from 9 pm.

26.4.2014 Socius´s spring party Kewätkarkelot at Wanha Satama

28.4.2014 Day of the Gladiators (Kuolo, Dentina, Preemio) starting from 3 pm at Studentia grounds

29.4.2014 Sawo-Karjala Excursion

30.4.2014 May Day Eve’s celebrations:

– 13.00 Teeth brushing at Lukema´s yard
– 14.00 Initiation to Education in the big auditorium
– 17.45 Pool event at Snellman park
– 21.00 Evening party at Puikkari (presold at Lukema 5 €, if you buy ticket in advance, you get past the queue until 23. Tickets from the door cost 8 €. Performers: Spekti from Rähinä posse + DJ MiQ, Tesno [VOEMA],Akilina [K0NTRO]. Cloack room costs 3 €.

1.5.2014 May Day brunch at 12-17 at Lukema. Dress according to the weather and bring something to grill with you. And don’t forget your good mood! Lukema has barbecues and salad available!

Savonlinna campus events

30.4.2014 May Day Eve’s celebrations:

– 16.00 gathering at the University
– 16.45 adorn Joel Lehtonen statue with flowers
– 17.00 tug of war with MAMK Sohva ry
– 18.00 programme in Tallisaari (Singing, speech of the SU, postulation of the Ram, Gaudeamus Igitur, Fuksikaste)

1.5.2014 Brunch in Sulosaari with student organizations. The campfire is lit between 12 am and 2 pm. Sausages and doughnuts available. Bring your own picnic gears and don’t forget your good mood!

Info available also:

ISYY:n RAIlakas  vappu 2014 Facebook event
ISYY’s Facebook page

Kuopio campus Sawo-Karjala Excursio on Facebook
Joensuu campus Sawo-Karjala Excursio Facebook


Published on 7.4.2014, updated on 30.4.2014