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ISYY’s equality survey revealed that students need more guidance and support in their studies

The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) conducted an equality survey in March 2014. The survey could be answered on ISYY ‘s website 27.2.–23.3.2014 . The purpose of the survey was to explore the accessibility and equality of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY). In addition, the survey identified discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment in the student community.

The Finnish version of the survey was answered by 208 students, of whom 69 % were women, 28 % men and 3 % did not want to specify their sex. The English version of the survey was answered by 8 students.

Inadequate guidance and support

The survey showed that 21 % of the respondents had experienced inequality in feedback or assessment of their academic work. 20 % had encountered inequality in guidance and support. Section where respondents were able to tell about their own experiences clearly revealed that students need more guidance and support in their studies.

12 % of the respondents had been subjected to discrimination or bullying, and 21 % had noticed other people being subjected to discrimination or harassment.

The respondents were also able to assess ISYY ‘s activities on a scale of 1–5. Respondents felt that ISYY’s atmosphere is tolerant and equal, and everyone is equal when acting within the Student Union.

More information:

Inka-Mari Helvilä, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, Affairs of Social Policy and Development Cooperation, inka-mari.helvila@isyy.fi, tel. 044 576 8404


Published on 14.4.2014