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ISYY is looking for a Board member (affairs of social policy) for the end of the year 2014

ISYY’s Executive Board member in charge of social policy affairs moves to another city and therefore there is an opening in the ISYY Board starting from October. Now you will have a great opportunity to be a part of ISYY’s Executive Board!

The Executive Board member in charge of social policy affairs takes care of matters related to students’ welfare, equality, accommodation, subsistence and health care. With the help of Chairmen of the Campus Boards, s/he is also in charge of policy-making.

Knowledge about development cooperation will be viewed as an advantage for the candidates. The tasks of the Board member responsible for development cooperation include the planning of the Development Cooperation Week as well as its implementation together with ISYY’s Development Cooperation Coordinators. In addition, they include tasks related to the development magazine.

Deliver your motivation letter no later than on 10.9.2014 at puheenjohtaja@isyy.fi

More information:

Paula Martikainen, Chairman of the Board, Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, tel. 044 576 8400, puheenjohtaja@isyy.fi


Published on 14.8.2014