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Independence Day Torch Parades in Joensuu and Kuopio

The Independence Day Torch Parades are an essential part of the Student Union’s (ISYY) Independence Day traditions. They will be organised in Joensuu and Kuopio on 6.12.2014 and hundreds of students are hoped to attend.

Independence Day Torch Parade in Joensuu

The Joensuu parade starts at ISYY´s campus office (Haltia, Yliopistokatu 7), where participants are asked to arrive at the latest at 2.30 pm. The parade will depart at 3 pm, and walk to the memorial grounds. The Chairperson of the Student Union, Noora Kettunen, and the Chairperson of Karelia-ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta POKA Board, Simo Rauma, will give speeches at the memorial grounds and we lay a wreath on the soldiers’ grave, followed by the Finnish National Anthem.

Before the parade, you are welcomed to enjoy a warm serve “glögi” (a traditional Finnish Christmas non-alcoholic drink) at ISYY’s office  starting from 1 pm.

Indpendence Day Torch Parade in Kuopio

The torch parade in Kuopio starts at Sotku (Sotilaskoti, Suokatu 42), where participants are asked to arrive at 5.45 pm. Presidents of the local student organisations will be carrying their own pennants.

The parade will depart at 6 pm, we stop to lay a wreath on the soldiers’ grave and, finally, we arrive at the town square. The first Vice-chair of the Student Union, Väinö Vähämäki, will give a speech at the town square, followed by the Finnish National Anthem.

After the parade, ISYY will provide attendees with mulled wine at restaurant Tähti (Kauppakatu 18). Those interested can also stay at the restaurant to watch the President’s Independence Day reception on a big screen.

All students are welcomed to join in

ISYY warmly welcomes all students to participate in the torch parades! Dress up warmly, but please leave your student overalls home this time.

More information:

You will find the events also on Facebook:

Joensuu: ISYY:n itsenäisyyspäivän soihtukulkue / ISYY’s Independence Day Torch Parade
Kuopio: ISYY:n itsenäisyyspäivän soihtukulkue / ISYY’s Independence Day Torch Parade