What's on


ESN KISA EVENTS- Kuopio Campus

International Students’ Association, ESN KISA, organizes free time activities for international and Finnish students. These activities include excursions, parties, game nights, culture exchange and other events. Our goal is to make your time in Kuopio as fun and memorable as possible. Anyone can join ESN KISA and membership is free for all the Student Union members. Here is the list of the confirmed events for the Spring 2013. The event page will be updated on weekly basis. If you have any questions regarding the events, please contact kv.kuopio@isyy.fi

15.1. ESN KISA General Meeting at 17:00, Studentia Chapel.

22.1. Smoke Sauna event at Rauhalahti at 18:00

23.1. Erasmus in Schools indo Session at 14:00, S21 (Snellmania Building)

28.1. International Food Festival at 18:00, Lukema

12.2. Sports afternoon

19.2. Winterfest

23.2. Moonlight Skating

24.2. Russian Disco at Lukema at 20:00

28.2.-6.3. ESN KISA trip to Lapland

11.-12.3. Ski Jumping World Cup

14.3. International Students’ Night out

20.-22.3. Pirates of the Baltic Sea Cruise to Stockholm

4.4. International Students’ Night out

18.- 22.4. ESN KISA trip to St. Petersburg. To join the trip follow: http://www.aikamatkat.fi/opiskelijamatkat-2012/esn-opiskelijamatkat/esn-kisa-kuopio/esn-kisa-student-boat-trip-to-st-petersburg-18-04-2013-22-04-2013.html?___store=english


Published on 14.1.2013