What's on


Election announcement

The election of the Council of Representatives for the Student Union of the University of

Eastern Finland will be held on Tuesday 5 and Wednesday 6 November 2013.

Advance electronic voting will be possible from 28 October to 1 November 9am–6pm.

On the actual election dates (5–6 November), electronic voting will be possible 9am–6pm


Only those Student Union members who have registered as present at the University of

Eastern Finland and who are personally present while voting have the right to vote in the Student

Union elections. To have the right to vote, registering as present must be done by 21st of October.

Candidates and electoral coalitions must deliver their election documents to the

Student Union Office (in Joensuu, Savonlinna or Kuopio), by 3 p.m. on Wednesday 2nd of October 2013.


For more information on the elections, contact the

Chairperson for the Central Election Committee Henriikka Puolitaival tel 040- 961 7818, henriikka.puolitaival@isyy.fi or

Secretary for the Central Election Committee Janne Mertanen 044-576 8417, paasihteeri@isyy.fi


Published on 24.5.2013