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Student Union´s Club day and introduction for present and future Student Union club actives

Do you have a great idea about a new Student Union club but don’t know where to find more people interested in your idea? Are you looking for a room where you could meet with friends with a common hobby? Do you want new ideas on how to improve your existing club? Have you never heard about Student Union clubs?

The Club day and introduction at Savonlinna campus on 25.11. have been cancelled due to the lack of participants.

Come and get to know more about the Student Union clubs:

At Joensuu campus, you can meet the Student Union clubs at Carelia lobby on 1st of December from 11am to 1pm. Introduction for clubs starts at Suvas at 5pm. After the introduction, we can spend time together at Suvas.

At Kuopio campus, you can meet the Student Union clubs at Snellmania lobby on 4th of December from 11am to 1pm. Introduction for clubs starts at 4pm at Lukema. After the introduction, we can spend time together at Lukema.

After the Club day, the Student Union organizes a club introduction for present and future Student Union club actives. We ask you to enroll to the introduction for clubs. The introduction is organised, if minimum five people have enrolled.

We kindly ask you to enroll at following addresses: matias.vainio@isyy.fi or emmi.alho@isyy.fi
In Joensuu by 28th of November 9pm
In Kuopio by 1st of December by 9pm

Read more:

Clubs at campuses

For further information:

Emmi Alho, member of the ISYY Board, responsible for international affairs and student tutoring, tel. 044 576 8405, emmi.alho@isyy.fi
Matias Vainio, member of the ISYY Board, responsible for free time and sports affairs, tel. 044 576 8401, matias.vainio@isyy.fi

Updated on 24.11.2014