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Development cooperation week in Kuopio

Development cooperation week, also known as #kehyviikko, is coming to the University of Eastern Finland on October 26-30, 2015.

Prgoram in Kuopio:

TUESDAY 20.10.
16.15 Lecture: ”Working as a doctor at developing countries” / Ilkka Mikkonen, SPR (Finnish Red Cross). Lecture is in Finnish. SN201

MONDAY 26.10.
11.00 Opening of Development Cooperation Week, lobby of Snellmania
16-18 Lecture: ”I have a dream – pakolaisleireistä” / Erkki Ikäläinen. Lecture is in Finnish. SN201, video connection to Savonlinna where the lecture is held

TUESDAY 27.10.
15-16 Lecture: ”Sustainable food production”, SN200. Lecture is in Finnish.
16.15 Ympäristöklubi (Environmental club of Kuopio Campus) organizes: “Let’s cook vegetarian food!”, Canthia’s kitchen More info coming soon!
18.00 Socius ry. presents Nenäpäiväsitsit, Lukema
– More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1634620310147568/

8-9 Morning yoga, Lucy Wu
Studentia/Lohko 1
– Morning porridge offered to participants of yoga at Lukema klo 9-10
– Registration is not mandatory, but by signing up you can reserve your spot for the class! Registration: https://elomake.uef.fi/lomakkeet/12462/lomake.html
10-13 Organization Bazaar, lobby of Snellmania
-introducing some of our local organizations
13.30-16 Lecture: ”Ways to do Development Cooperation”, CA101. Lectures are in Finnish.
– Development Cooperation at Academic Field in HEI ICI-program /Ari Haaranen, Aducate
– Possibilities of Microloans/ Jaana Hirsikangas, Naisten Pankki
16.30 Movie: Leaving Africa (Suomi 2015), SN201

16-17.30 Latin Dance workshop, Ana Maria Castro, Studentia
– Registration is not mandatory, but by signing up you can reserve your spot for the class! Registration: https://elomake.uef.fi/lomakkeet/12462/lomake.html