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Development Cooperation Week 2014

The Student Unions’ Development Cooperation Week is a joint project of the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) and the Student Unions’. The aim is to increase students’ knowledge on matters related to development cooperation work. The Development Cooperation Week 2014 will be held on 13.–19.10.2014 and its theme is education and development.

ISYY participates on the week by organising different activities on all ISYY’s campuses.

You will find the detailed programme of the Development Cooperation Week (also in English) on Facebook on Kehyviikko ISYY and ISYY:n kehyviikon tapahtumat sites.

More information:

Hanna Hylkilä, Head Coordinator of ISYY’s Development Cooperation Week, hanna.hylkila@gmail.com

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Facebook: Kehyviikko ISYY
Facebook: ISYY:n kehyviikon tapahtumat