What's on


Bus transportation from Savonlinna and Kuopio to Lehtiä Ilosaaressa festival in Joensuu on 12.9.

The autumn festival Lehtiä Ilosaaressa will be held on 12.9.2014 in Joensuu. Performers include e.g. Jukka Poika, Viikate and Samuli Putro.

ISYY organizes bus transportation from Savonlinna to Joensuu and back. The bus leaves the Savonlinna campus (in front of the main entrance) on 12.9. at 13. The bus ride back starts at 3 am on 13.9. from Joensuu. There is also bus transportation from Kuopio to Joensuu and back. The bus leaves the Kuopio campus (next to Studentia building) on 12.9. at 14. The bus ride back starts at 2 am on 13.9. from Joensuu.

NOTE! If there will not be enough enrolments for the bus transportation, ISYY reserves the right to cancel it, in which case the persons already purchased their tickets and buss transportation can reclaim their money from ISYY’s campus office. In this case, the people in question will be contacted personally.


The Lehtiä Ilosaaressa tickets cost 12 € for ISYY’s members. Afterparty will be in Kerubi and Night. The bus transportation to Joensuu and back from Savonlinna costs 15 €/person. Transportation from Kuopio costs 16€/person.

The ticket and the bus transportation can be purchased from ISYY’s campus office. Please note that payments can only be made in cash.

Registration at the Student Union office, Savonlinna campus ends on Tuesday 9.9. and in Kuopio campus Friday 5.9. at 12.00.


Published on 25.8.2014