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Begin the academic year in Kampusrysäys!

The University of Eastern Finland (UEF) celebrates the start of the Academic Year at all campuses in September. The official opening ceremonies will be held on Wed 3.9.2014 in Joensuu, on Thurs 4.9.2014 in Kuopio and on Tue 9.9.2014 in Savonlinna. After the official programme, university staff and students will have a great opportunity to get to know each other and spend a relaxed time together when the campus event called Kampusrysäys (‘Campus Crash’) kicks off. The event will include picnic, music, different kinds of competitions and other fun activities.

You’re warmly welcomed to the happening! Just bring your picnic bag and friends or colleagues with you and join us!

First year students’ own happening “Kaupunkisuunnistus” (‘City Orientation) starts from the events as well.

The campus event is organised by the University of Eastern Finland and the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY).

Here, you will find information about the programme of the Kampusrysäys at all campuses. Information will also be available via ISYY informs e-mail messages, Monday Mails and on ISYY’s web and Facebook page.

Kampusrysäys at Joensuu campus

In Joensuu, the Kampusrysäys will be held on Carelia yard on Wed 3.9. at 16.00–18.00. The programme includes a mölkky (a Finnish game where wooden skittles are thrown at each other in order to gain points), live music played by The Spiral Quest and a developing countries football game played with its own rules.

In addition, the Kampusrysäys has music played by Dj KerOne and a Zumba lesson. You can also photograph yourself for the #kutsumua picture campaign between 4 and 5 pm.

First year students’ own happening “Kaupunkisuunnistus” (‘City Orientation) starts from the event at 17.45.

Bring your own picnic food with you and dine while listening to great music and watching the competitions.

Preliminary programme:

JOENSUU Wed 4.9.2013 at 16.00–18.00
Place: Carelia yard

16.00 Opening ceremonies and Reggae Time Dj KerOne
16.23 City Orientation tickets are sold for non-first-year-students
17.00 The Spiral Quest
17.45 Zumba and first year students’ own happening “Kaupunkisuunnistus” (‘City Orientation) starts
18.00 The event ends

Info on Joensuu’s City Orientation:

Orientation starts from Carelia’s backyard on 3.9. at 17.45. Also other than first year students can participate.

Price for the whole group (from 6 to 10 people) is 25 €. You can buy the tickets to the Orientation at Kampusrysäys on 3.9. (backyard of Carelia) at 16.23.

The entry fee covers the whole orientation and it’s after parties in Kerubi (rock/indie/pop) and Ilona (nighclub/dance). You will also get a badge!

Kampusrysäys at Kuopio campus

In Kuopio, the Kampusrysäys will be held on Studentia’s grounds on Thurs 4.9. at 15.00–18.00. The programme includes a mölkky competition (a Finnish game where wooden skittles are thrown at each other in order to gain points) between students and the university staff members. In addition, the Kampusrysäys offers visitors great music played by a Dj Tesno and The Spiral Quest, and a chance to enjoy your own picnic lunch in great company.

First year students’ own happening “Kaupunkisuunnistus” (‘City Orientation) starts from the event at 17.15.

Preliminary programme:

KUOPIO Thurs 4.9.2014 at 15.00–18.00
Place: Studentia grounds

15.00 Opening ceremonies: Welcoming words (Juho Pulkka), Dj Tesno and picnic (bring your own picnic lunch)
15.15 Enrollment for City Orientation starts
15.15 Mölkky competition
16.15 The Spiral Quest
17.05 Sykettä Savilahdella warming up for those participating the City Orientation (and for others as well)
17.15 First year students’ own happening “Kaupunkisuunnistus” (‘City Orientation) starts
18.00 The event ends

Additional programme:

● Students participating for the City Orientation – Pimp your team at Lukema! Best team will be awarded in Ilona after the Orientation!
● Kuopio Circus is in the game – Come and make your popcorn cup and get some popcorns!
● Clubs and campus boards tell about themselves.
● Have you picture taken in love booth or get photographed for the #kutsumua picture campaign
● Picnic with your own picnic lunch

Info on Kuopio’s City Orientation:

Orientation starts from Kampusrysäys on 4.9. at 17.15. Enrolment takes place at 15.15–17.00 at Lukema. There will be four starts: 17.15, 17.30, 17.45 and 18.00. The order will be determined by the order in which groups have enrolled.

All freshmen students can participate on City Orientation, also international students.

After party:

The after party will be in Ilona night club. Tickets for the after party cost 5 € and they can be purchased also by other than new students. There will be 200 tickets available and they can be purchased by cash at ISYY’s campus office in Kuopio (at Lukema). The ticket includes entrance and the cloakroom fee.

Those participating in the City Orientation will get in for free with special bracelets given to them.

There will be a bus transportation from City Orientation after party to Puijonlaakso and Neulamäki. The bus leaves in front of Ilona at 3:30 am and it doesn’t cost anything. You don’t need to enroll for the bus, just be there in time.

Kampusrysäys at Savonlinna campus

In Savonlinna, the Kampusrysäys will be held on the university yard area on Tue 9.9. at 15.00–18.00. There will be various programme, music and good food available. The Kampusrysäys offers visitors great music played by students´own band Preerian lapsenlapset. The first 200 hungriest participants will also be offered vegetable soup from a soup cannon! Others can bring their own picnic lunch!

The programme includes a mölkky tournament (a Finnish game where wooden skittles are thrown at each other in order to gain points) and lörtsy-eating (a sort of meat pie) competition. You can also participate in a quiz. Winners are rewarded with surprising prizes. Gather your pals and join in! You can also photograph yourself for the #kutsumua picture campaign from 4 to 5 pm.

First year students’ own happening “City Orientation” (‘Freshmen event’) starts from the event at 17.30.

Partners in Savonlinna include Auto-Kilta Trucks Oy, Kirjakauppa Knut Posse, Subway Savonlinna, Citymarket and Amica Välkky

Preliminary programme:

SAVONLINNA Tue 9.9.2014 at 15.00–18.00
Place: University yard area
Host: Paula Martikainen

15.00 Opening ceremonies
– The picnic starts, vegetable soup for the first 200 hungriest
– Welcoming words (Perttu Vartiainen, UEF and Paula Martikainen, ISYY)

15.15 Music from a CD, Dj Ilari Lempiäinen
– Mölkky tournament between Savonlinna´s Campus Board and the staff of the university
– Other competitions, enrolment on site (lörtsy-eating, quiz)

15.30 Music: Students´ band Preerian lapsenlapset
17.30 First year students will get ready to go to the City Orientation
18.00 The event ends, cleaning

Information on Savonlinna’s City Orientation:

The freshmen event City Orientation starts on 9.9. at 17.30 from Kampusrysäys at the university yard area. The event is targeted at new students. Tutors inform their own freshmen groups about the details of the event.

More information:

Facebook: Kampusrysäys 2014
UEF: Opening Ceremony at Joensuu campus on 3.9.
UEF: Opening Ceremony at Kuopio campus on 4.9.
UEF: Opening Ceremony at Savonlinna campus on 9.9.

Picture by: Pasi Huttunen


Published on 14.8.2014
Edited on 4.9.2014 at 10:33