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Answer the Student Union’s questionnaire on equality

Have you noticed bullying or discrimination amongst students? What is the atmosphere like in our university? Do you consider yourself to be an equal member of the Student Union (ISYY)?

By filling out the questionnaire found below, you can tell about your observations and experiences. The questionnaire targets on mapping how equality is fulfilled within the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY), and how the situation could be developed. Our aim is to achieve a more equal Student Union where no one gets picked on.


Please answer the questionnaire by 23.3.2014 at 23.59

By answering, you will make an impact!

More information:

Inka-Mari Helvilä, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, Affairs of Social Policy and Development Cooperation, inka-mari.helvila@isyy.fi, tel. 044 576 8404


Published on 27.2.2014